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A moonless night

darker than any other

a trail carves its way through the tall barren trees

the air is cold and crisp, biting at your flesh

the silence is unbearable, yet you cant bring yourself to break it

it hangs in the air at a knifes edge

you dare not breathe in fear of disturbing it


you hear nothing

you see nothing

but there is something

you can feel it

it makes the hair on your arms stand straight and sends a quiver through your body

you stand motionless, you feel invisible but also out in the open

Luke prey in long grass

you feel yourself urge forward but you resist

which is riskier?

staying still or moving forward

you decide the latter

you slowly lift a bare foot and carefully begin to rest it on the ground

you feel something small beneath it

a twig perhaps?

your heart begins to thump harder and harder inside your chest

beating your rib cage and echoing in your ears

but its too late

you have committed to this movement and you will soon loose balance

you close your eyes welcoming a familiar darkness

your breathing getting deeper and heavier


Your eye spring open but its too late

so has his

in his sights your instincts scream to run

but you ate frozen in fear

his glowing green eyes piercing your soul

you are his now

there is no escape

*Hi again! I'm so glad that you are reading this. Please comment any ideas/corrections/criticisms you have. Thanks a bucket load <3*

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