To Hear or To See

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I work in a play centre

I giant warehouse with a playground in it

Doesn't that sound amazing?

Doesn't that make you want to a kid again?

When I work there the place is full of laughter and talking, the clinking of coffee cups and the singing of birthdays.

But that is not what i see.

I don't children that much

They're off doing their thing

running and jumping and playing and laughing

What i is the adults

and it is not always cheerful

I see single fathers spending their days wage on over priced hot food and icecream

I see grandparents struggling to make the change for a hot chocolate for their two grandson to share even though they beg for one of their own.

But not always

Sometimes I see old friends get together so they can share stories while the kids run off together

but not always

I see mothers command their children to go and play so that they can have some quiet

I see guilty single parents try desperately to please their child with a promise of fun but they enter the playground alone

I see it in there eyes

the only reason they are there is because that's what other parents do

Its strange how our ears deceive us

how they tell us half the story and ask us to ignore the rest

We listen to the TV and it tells us the most important news is sport

But we go outside and see discrimination, racism, misogynism, and criminalism

And all we can think about is the next episode of that show that person said was good on that website for that review.

We are told that to make it in this world we have to have good grades

they tell us to be original and interesting but also agreeable and by the book

we see how wrong that it is but we ignore it and push forward

like robots on a production line  

we are the same

told the same things saying the same things writing the same things

we are the same

and we see that

but we ignore it

because we hear laughter, and conversations, clinking of coffee cups and the singing of birthdays

And we don't realise the pain and the fear in their eyes

As they try to be the same

but they are not

But the question is are we?

are we all the same blind robots programmed on a production line

or can we see

see the pain and suffering around us

or do we ignore it

Do we trust what we hear?

Or do open our eyes and see? 

*Hello! Thanks so much for reading, it means a lot to me. I would absolutely love to hear any constructive criticism you have so please comment if you do! Thanks heaps <3*

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