Beyond Survival

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We eat to fuel our bodies

We breathe to keep us alive

But when we find something funny

From where is our laughter derived?

We Love to keep our species

from disintegrating into obis

But laughter, smiles and jolliness?

Surely there's importance I have missed.

The need to create

Invent and Innovate

A trait peculiar to humans

And yet doesn't deviate 

But Humor? Why do we need it?

If tomorrow we woke up without a funny bone

Sure, we would miss it

But not if it was never known

Is it possible it's evolution?

Something that grew over time?

It was never for survival

Something beyond that paradigm?

Perhaps we don't need it 

Perhaps we could survive

Unless living isn't survival

But laughter is how we thrive

*Hey there reader! If you have gotten this far I would love to say a big thank you for reading my work, it means so much to me! So I was thinking that for my next piece I will write on any topic posted in the comments. ANY. Absolutely anything and I will make a poem out of it I promise ^_^ Thanks again for reading, feedback is always appreciated <3* 

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