The Gates of Norvale

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Katyr could barely open his eyes because of a blinding light coming from above

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Katyr could barely open his eyes because of a blinding light coming from above. He squinted at brilliant crystal depths of blue and wondered if this was the warm embrace of the White Magic. He could not feel his body and seemed to be floating in the blue expanse he was trying to look into. The Elf was warm and comfortable and thought if this was his ending it was not a bad thing at all.

Suddenly he realized he was still with the living as pain throbbed in his head and the concerned face of Glynfiel came into view. She was dabbing and pushing down on his scalp with a wet cloth and muttering something to herself. He found his voice when he could see there were tears running down her cheeks, he became worried for her.

"Glyn? Is everything ok? Are you hurt?" he said, much louder than he meant to.

She stopped rubbing and looked at him in surprise. "Am I ok? Of course I am ok, you dolt! You are the one with the nasty gash on your head. I thought you were lost to me!" The concerned look became one of relief at hearing Katyr speak.

"Do not move!" she said as she turned to wipe away her tears. "You suffered an awful blow and I need to put some more ointment on it. Can you wiggle your toes and fingers?"

He did so and found he could move everything as feeling came back to his body. He looked around at what he could see of the wedge and figured he was in about in the same spot as where he had fallen. While he looked at the walls he realized he must have been out for some time. He knew the wedge pointed towards due north. That meant if it was still morning the rising sun would be shining on the west wall. He could tell the sun was setting and low in the sky because the shadow of the west wall was showing on the east wall below the sun's rays.

"How long have I been out?" he asked as the small Elf gently rubbed the ointment into his scalp.

"Almost the whole day," she said as she concentrated on her work. "You gave me and Shadow quite a scare. I could not get the wound on your head to stop bleeding." The big wolf's furry face came into view as he looked down on Katyr. His ears were pricked forward and his pink tongue hung from one side of his mouth as he heavily panted. He was excited to see Katyr awake.

"What happened after I fell?" he said in a panic. Memories started to rush back to him. "Is everyone ok? The Dread Cats! Was anyone hurt?" He feared the worst as he started to remember.

"Stay still! I am almost done and then we can try moving you a bit," she scolded. "Everyone is fine. We had some unexpected help that saved our lives, even if they were a bit rough," she looked at the back of the wedge with a frown as she said the last part.

"There, all done with that for now. You will have a bump for a while, and probably a scar, but your hair should cover it up," she said as she wrapped a cloth around his head. "Stay down for one more minute while I get you some broth. Then we will try sitting you up and see if you can keep it down. One must be very careful with head wounds. I will tell you everything that happened while you were out, when you eat."

"Elves of the Northern Vale" A Tundrawolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now