You Wanted To Marry Who?

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Smut Warning!

That afternoon, I had left him back at the hotel, he had a few messages he had to reply to, some calls to make so I decided to spend the time wisely, in the hotel spa.

A few hours later, I was refreshed and energized, and after grabbing a salad whilst I was down there, I was ready to head on to the pool. I was meeting Marshall down there at 8 and it was only 7.30 but I knew the pool was already going to be empty.

I breezed through the doors and directly into the women's changing rooms. Slipping out of my dress, I had my bikini on underneath, and after tying my hair back, I was ready to go. I walked out onto the pool side, noticing the lights had dimmed considerably, leaving only three or four of them on, but enough for us to see and swim safely. I dropped my towel on the bench, seeing another there beside it. "you're early" I turned around, seeing Marshall floating around in the water, watching me. suddenly I felt a little conscious as I stood before him in a barely there bikini. The only one I brought with me so I could sunbathe and it wasn't the most ideal for swimming when I thought about it. "I could say the same to you?" I countered, standing with my hand on my hip. He smirked, "I wanted to catch you struttin around in that little thing" he told me, making me blush profusely. I shook my head and made my way to the steps.

After I climbed in, I began warming up with a few lengths, back and forth, seeing Marshall join me for a couple of them. "Jesus girl, where did you learn to swim like that?!" he sighed, feeling a little out of breath. "I used to train when I was little back home. I should have been part of the Olympic team, but my heart just wasn't in it" I told him. "wow, I didn't know that" he sighed, I shrugged, "not exactly something I feel I need to broadcast" I giggled. "I fuckin would" he replied, gliding over to me. I laughed, "but you're a cocky asshole" I said, laughing at him. he grinned at me, "well, I have plenty of things to brag about" he said, reaching me and pulling me towards him by my waist. "oh yeah, really? Like what?" I asked playfully.

"well," he sighed, looking into my eyes, "I have a beautiful baby girl" he began, to which I nodded, Hailie was gorgeous, "an okay house and career..." he teased, pulling a face like he was thinking hard, "and a fuckin hot girl who's all mine" he groaned at me, looking down at my face. "who's this hot girl?" I protested, trying to pull away from him. He snorted a laugh at me, "she was busy this week so I came to see you instead" he smirked. I laughed at him and tried to push him away again but he gripped me tight.

"baby, I'm lucky to have you, and I'm even luckier that you wanna give me a second chance" he whispered to me, wrapping his muscular arms around mine, so I was pinned to him. Not that I minded.... "Marshall..."

"baby, just listen, please" he interrupted me, but I nodded and looked down a little, to his chest, where I found my palms, running up and down his pecks. Man he had a nice chest. He sighed harshly, making my eyes raise up to his handsome face, "this is really hard for me," he said, looking back at me, "not for what I'm gonna say, but cause I never thought I would again..." he said, making me frown a little, "Victoria, baby, I've fallen in love with you"

If ever there was a time I would be speechless, well, this was it. He was looking down at me, holding me against him, declaring his love for me. I mean, Marshall Mathers, Eminem, slim shady, he was telling me that he loved me. me!

I opened my mouth to speak but the words just wouldn't come out. "I know it's probably a shock, hell it was to me when I knew. But when I saw you the day of Hailie's party,"

"since Hailie's party?" I interrupted him. He looked down at me, frowning a little, "yeah" he replied simply. "you came to see me, you wanted to apologize, be honest with me about all your shit, and I admired that. Nobody's ever straight up, no chicks anyway. I liked that." he said, I nodded at him looking back down to his chest again. "and then I saw you that night, dressed up. man, you looked smokin." He sighed, thinking back. I couldn't help but giggle. "I wanted you the first time I met you, when you cooked for me in my kitchen, but I fell in love with you that night at her party" I looked up to his eyes, "especially when I found out about this..." he said, slowly moving his hand and taking it to my right breast, feeling my nipple ring under the fabric. I couldn't help but laugh when he said that.

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