Your Mind Is A Weapon

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Judy quickly sat up in her bed, tears in her eyes. As she examined herself she noticed that she was sobbing while she was sleeping, there were tears in her eyes. She also noticed that her paws were gripping the bed really tightly.

She sat on the edge of her bed, realizing what just happened.

''S-so it w-was all a dream?'' she sobbed in a scared voice that can make anyone feel sympathy.

Judy started to realize how lucky she was that day. ''that day, all bellwether needed to do was check the clip. Then Nick and I would be dead, and bellwether would stay in power.''

Judy glanced at the clock, it read 4:25 in the morning. There was no point in going back to bed, she thought, I have to get up anyway for work. Then she slowly slid out of bed to get ready for work.

As she walked into the bathroom she noticed how scared she looked. She had streams of tears on her cheeks, and she was shaking a lot. She splashed cold water on her face to help wake up, then she rubbed a hot towel on her face to help calm down.

''stop being a cry baby. Wimp'' she scolded herself as she noticed new tears emerge, replacing the old ones.

After a couple of minutes of pacing around her apartment, she noticed that she was holding her neck with both hands.

''stop it, wimp'' she whispered to herself as she jammed her arms in her pockets.

As she glanced at her clock again, it read 5:30 am, she sighed ''might as well get ready for work, it should take my mind off it''

After she got dressed she made her way through the doors of the ZPD. Judy was greeted by a worried Clawhauser

''Judy, what's wrong?'' asked Clawhauser.

Judy started to worry, what if I didn't wash out all the tears? she thought

Judy quickly replied ''oh uh, yeah I'm fine'' as she sprinted to rollcall

Clawhauser was worried, but he figured she was in heat or something like that, so he shrugged it off.

As Judy climbed onto her seat, she heard the Chief assign Nick and her to files. She was relieved, she usually hated file duty but this was her chance to clear her head. This is great, she thought, I don't see Nick walking in late which usually means he will not be here. Funny, she thought, Nick is never here early,  he is always late.

Judy started to hear a voice in her head yelling at her that there was something behind her, but she brushed it off.

Judy was starting to drift off but she heard the word ''dismissed!'' and thought that it was time to leave.

As Judy climbed out of her seat, she jumped when she heard the words ''hey, carrots!'' Nick bellowed from behind her, hoping to get a reaction like always.

Judy was beyond scared, again she heard that voice telling her to
run...she listened to it.

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