Fantasy Gone Wrong

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Nick woke up late at night, he was still in Julie's house. Nick looked down and spotted Judy curled into a ball on Nick's lap sound asleep. Nick smiled, I wonder what would happen if Julie sees this, he thought.

Nick glanced at his phone, it was 2:00 in the morning. Nick sighed, at least Judy and him were off today but he knew he wouldn't get much sleep with Judy unconsciously digging into his ribs so instead he decided to check his phone. Nick was browsing through Fox Book looking for something to take his mind off the events from the night before.

As Nick was browsing his feed, he saw a picture of Clawhauser, he was clearly tipsy since he was wearing all of his clothes backwards and his eyes were facing different directions.

Nick giggled to himself quietly, careful not to wake Judy. Nick kept scrolling till he found a picture of Clawhauser with 8 donuts in his neck, it was too hysterical to be quiet, Nick let out a hearty laugh, Judy up immediately and bit Nick as she scampered into the corner.

''ow!'' Nick yelped in pain.

''sorry'' Judy stammered, ''I had that dream again''

Judy seemed hesitant but she returned to Nick's lap.

''roar'' Nick teased opening his jaw slowly.

''oh no'' Judy played along.

Judy pretended to be scared as she got up from the bed and slowly scampered down the hall.

''wait, isn't your sister going to wake up?'' Nick whispered.

''she takes night classes. She won't be back until 7 am'' Judy assured.

Nick grinned as he turned off the lights as he began to lurk down the hall.

Judy giggled as she slowly moved throughout the halls.

''is this your fantasy?'' Judy heard from down the hall.

''what, do you read my diary?'' Judy fired back.

''no, but I'll make a note of that'' Nick teased as he hid behind a potted plant, waiting for Judy to walk by.

Judy started to get nervous as the stretching silence was scaring her much like her dream.

Judy was starting to get terrified, not only was this like her dream but what made it worse was it was dark. Judy, deeply in thought, passed the potted plant that Nick was behind.

''roar!'' Nick bellowed.

''ahhh!'' Judy screamed as she ran away, truly terrified.

Nick chased after her, assuming she was still playing along. When Nick cornered Judy against the wall he pretended he was going to bite her.

To Nick's surprise he looked up at Judy's face expecting to see lust, but instead he saw Judy, terrified, nervous, and crying.

''oh my gosh, I-Im so sorry Judy'' Nick stammered.

''me too'' Judy started, ''I should've got my head straight before I did this'' she said.

''don't blame yourself, I assumed you were enjoying it, but I never made sure'' Nick replied.

Judy wasn't sure how to respond, but before she could, Nick kissed her. Judy was hesitant at first but eased into it.

''are we still on for dinner'' Judy asked, her eyes full of lust.

''of course, where?'' Nick said, a little too fast.

Judy giggled ''let's decide later''

''sure'' Nick replied.

''great, let's get some breakfast'' Judy said as they walked to the kitchen side by side.

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