Trust Goes Both Ways

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Judy waited beside Nick for what felt like an eternity of silence, until finally words were exchanged.

"This is YOUR boyfriend?" Stu asked, making it unnecessarily obvious that he hoped it was a joke.

"Honey, can I talk to for a moment?" Bonnie blurted as she rushed Judy into the house leaving an angry rabbit and a nervous fox to accompany the porch.

"Mom, what's going on?" Judy whispered "I knew dad didn't like foxes but this is a teeny bit odd."

"I know" Bonnie admitted "your dad doesn't think too highly of foxes, but with good reason."

"which is?" Judy commented patiently waiting for a reply.

"that's a story for another time" she concluded "but we should let Nick inside, dear."

Meanwhile, Nick was getting uncomfortable. Judy had been gone for only five minutes, but he can already feel Mr. Hopps's eyes burning a hole in his head. Desperate to fill the awkward silence, Nick attempted to make small talk.

"how is the farm going, Mr. Hopps?" Nick questioned with a fresh innocent smile.

"it's acceptable, it's far from the noisy city and... " Stu began "YOU'RE KIND."

"where are you Judy!" Nick thought, growing more scared with every passing second. Finally, Judy returned, bringing with her a small platoon of bunnies that charged towards Nick.

"ahhhh, Judy, help me! It tickles!" Nick joked glad for the upbeat change of mood.

Judy chuckled as she dragged Nick away from her siblings, she was about to laugh again but she heard her mother's voice.

"you two must be exhausted, I'll show you two your room" Bonnie explained, as she lead Nick and Judy to their rooms passing an angry rabbit reading the newspaper in the process.

"here you are" she announced, revealing a room with a desk, a TV, a window, and one bed.

"uh, mom?" Judy stuttered "where's the other room?"

"well, since your brothers and sisters are already doubling up, I need to save room." she replied. "well I'll leave you to unpack" and just like that she was gone.

Judy wasn't sure how to feel, she was ecstatic at how well this was going, but her dad clearly disapproved of it.

Nick came with Judy expecting it to be a fun vacation, now he'll just be happy if his meal isn't poisoned.

"something wrong, Nick?" Judy asked concerned as she saw Nick lost in thought.

"y-yeah I am fine" he waved off and continued to unpack his things.

After that, things in the farm were mostly quiet. Nick and Judy finished unpacking and proceeded to watch a movie that they packed. The young ones were still playing outside despite the day reaching an end. Everything was normal, except for the conversation that was being had by Mr and Mrs hopps. They were arguing about Judy's new boyfriend, comments were exchanged and threats were declared. Unfortunately, the couple watching the movie were oblivious to the yelling that's been going on downstairs. They both seemed lost in each other's eyes.

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