Thoughts Linger

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Judy awoke to the sound of her carrot alarm clock, she gingerly sat up rubbing her eyes. After a minute of regaining consciousness, Judy rolled off of her bed and turned off her alarm clock. As Judy passed her mirror, she noticed something. Her face looked distorted.

"I need to get that fixed" she sighed as she started to change into her uniform.

After Judy had changed, she climbed into her police cruiser and drove off.  Judy took her time since she woke up earlier, she has more time to pick up Nick and get to work.

Judy grumbled to herself when she remembered how Nick and Skye hit it off. Judy had a plan to take Skye out of the equation, she just needed to find a way to do it subtly.

"I wonder if the chief would believe me?" Judy wondered.

Judy already knew the answer to her question was a no, there was no evidence against Skye and she most likely got rid of the cell that Judy was kept in.

Judy didn't get to finish her thought because she had just arrived at Nick's apartment. Judy honked three times, moments later out came Nick with his coffee and shades. Judy smiled at Nick  until she realized who was behind him. From behind Nick stood Skye,  dressed in a ZPD uniform.

"I didn't know you joined the ZPD?" Judy asked Skye with little enthusiasm.

"it's amazing what perks a former FBI agent gets" Skye bragged loudly.

"and you spent the night at Nick's place too?" Judy questioned suspiciously.

"what can I say, we really hit it off" Nick answered.

Judy's heart sank at his response, her heart felt like it was being ripped right out of her chest.

The rest of the ride to work was silent,  no one said a word for what felt like hours.

''OK, we're here" Judy stated with a defeated voice as she pulled into the ZPD parking lot.

"Skye, you go on ahead me and Judy will be back soon" Nick said with a smile.

"what are you talking about Nick?" Judy questioned.

"there's a diamond ring I want to get my mom for her birthday, and I don't have any time to do so later. We do have an hour until work." Nick explained.

"and you want me to drive you there, why?" Judy asked.

"cause fluff, your a good friend.

That word ripped Judy apart worse than a blender.

"OK" Judy sighed as she started driving into the city.

Later that day after work, Judy spotted Nick getting into the same cruiser as Skye as his shift ended. Judy got curious so she tailed them all the way into town. When Nick and Skye existed their vehicle, Judy did the same making sure to keep a safe distance away. Judy tailed them on foot until they stopped at a fireworks display, Judy didn't think much of it until she spotted Nick get down on one knee.

"no" Judy gasped in surprise, feeling tears run down her face.

Nick held out a small box, when he opened it, he pulled out the same diamond ring that Judy had helped him buy earlier that day.

"no!" Judy cried as she saw Skye nod, signaling yes.

"that's it. My life is over" Judy sobbed as she laid down on the ground crying.

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