The Christmas Present (special)

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Judy woke up dazed and confused on the hard floor, she was in a small cell that contained a small bed and a toilet. She sat up, wondering where she was and if Nick was ok.

Lost in thought, Judy didn't notice the vixen outside her cell looking enigmatic.

''Nick is alive... For now'' the vixen said, ''you are in high security cell.''

''darn it!'' she said to herself ''I did it again.''

''my name is Skye '' the vixen said.

''so? Why are you telling me that?'' Judy questioned.

''because'' Skye started, ''I will be the last face you see for a long long time.''

Meanwhile, Nick was still at the cafe waiting for Judy to return from the bathroom.

''cripes, did she fall in? It's been an hour.'' Nick joked to himself.

After another hour of waiting and calling her cell only for it to be dead, Nick decided enough was enough so he walked home leaving the cruiser for Judy.

Nick was confused ''why was she in there so long?'' Nick wondered, ''maybe she came to her senses and climbed out the window'' Nick joked.

As Nick got home he tossed his keys on the counter and sat down on the couch, Nick opened his phone and sent Judy a text.

Hey Judy, I'm sorry I left early I didn't mean to be rude. Let's try again another time.

Nick sighed as he slouched on the couch he did like Judy, she just took too long in the bathroom and he assumed it was a change of heart.

Nick was frustrated ''dumped, on Christmas day too'' he mumbled.

Judy was was scared, she was in a cell with no windows or light except for a small flickering light bulb in the ceiling.

''I wonder, if I hide under the bed she might think I've escaped'' Judy thought.

''yes'' she planned, ''I'll hide there overnight and stay there all day, she will never see it coming.

Meanwhile, Skye was outside of Judy's cell door, ''tsk, tsk, tsk'' she teased, ''that rabbit needs to stop thinking out loud, she would never survive real prison.''

Minutes later Skye walked into Judy's cell to find that she wasn't there, Anna sighed ''if you don't get out from under the bed I will personally drag you out.''

Seconds later Judy slowly crawled out from under the bed.

''look, since it's Christmas and my employer needs this cell cleared I cut deal'' Skye stated as she lead Judy out of her cell and towards a table.

''this is your key out'' Skye said picking up a small camera, ''if you allow me to inject you with this camera, I will leave you alone.''

''what's the catch?'' Judy asked, skeptical of Skye's generosity.

''this camera is embedded with a microphone and tracker, if this camera sees you or hears you talk to Nick I will know and word of advice, don't try to remove it.'' Skye warned.

Judy weighed her options, if she refused she would stay here forever, if she agreed, she must never talk to Nick again. After a long pause, Judy had her answer.

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