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Ummayyah's POV

    Assalamualaikum, Omar said.

  Walaikumassalam, We all replied.

   Omar said, "I and Naveen were following you from past few months".

   What? Why are you following my sister! Shahada asked him angrily.

    "She was the bravest girl in our group"

     Omar said, I am not talking to you Shahada!

  Well! She is my sister and I have every right to talk for her. Shahada replied

   Guys, just listen to him, Naveen said

  Just tell us soon, Samera said!

    I need your help guys! Omar said

  What help? Shahada questioned

   There is a competition and we need members for singing. In, our class only your gang sings well. Omar said

    Samera, Just said him! "We will help you guys"

    Shahada said, No, No way!!!

  Omar just started At her, Kalima and I also agreed to Shahada because of Rayees warning!!

    Omar then went and his friend Naveen said, "Guys Omar really needs help". Omar has a lot of problems and there is no one who would help us.

  What happened to Omar??? Shahada asked worried. We all saw a concern in Shahada's eyes.

   "Its a family problem, His mom wants him to get married now. He tried Convincing them. But they forced him. So, he left home" Naveen said.

  We will help him, Shahada  replied. I and Kalima agreed too. We decided to hide it from our brothers.

Kalima's POV

     Ummayyah said, " If Rayees asked you something, just don't tell him"

   Yeah!! Okay Ummayyah, I won't tell him.

   She kept telling me again and again.

   And Shahada was acting weird, First she was angry with Omar and when Naveen said about his problems, She agreed.

     Until, I knew Shahada She will never easily agree to help boys!! Samera and Ummayyah were surprised too.

   After class, we were waiting for our brother!!And Samera asked us why our brothers are coming to pick up us!

    We explained to them and, They all started laughing!!

   Just then Rayees and Hameed came. We called Samera and Shahada too., But they said they will go by themselves.

   Why can't you alone come?Ummayyah asked Rayees.

   Hameed looked at Ummayyah, and said if you have problem with me tell me directly.

   I don't have any problem with you Hameed, Its just I feel like we are wasting your time.

   Hey! Actually I forgot that, I had to pick you guys. "Hameed only called me" Rayees said.

    Yeah, "My brother never forgets anything" I said looking at Ummayyah.
Why are you saying like that? Ummayyah asked slowly!!

   Nothing, I said.

   We went to home and Ummayyah was so busy playing with Neice. Meher de and their family were going out for the dinner. I wanted to go to. I was feeling bored at home.

   Mom came and said me to get ready.

  For what Mom? I asked

  "We are going out to have dinner with Ummayyah's family" she said. Little Pari started crying and Mom said me to get ready soon and she went.

  I went to my room and then Hameed came and asked me help!

  What help?? I asked

"Just suggest me, what dress to wear" he said!

  Hameed! whats wrong with you? This is your first time asking me suggestions, I said.

  Okay leave! I will find it out myself he said and went. I followed him and said okay Chill! I will suggest you.

   Black that's my favourite colour and it suits you too, I suggested.

  No need black, say someother color.

   Okay what about White?



  Hey, black and green is cool one, It's Mine and Ummayyah's favourite colour too...

  Okay, this one is good if its Ummayyah's favorite color, he mumbled.

  Wait! What did you say? I asked. He looked at me and said Hay go get ready, its getting late already.

  Something is strange with him! I went to my room and I was getting ready.

    Ummayyah came to my room and said come let's go Kalima. Just a minute!!! I said. No, Its already late she said and pulled me.

   "Hameed you are looking cute" I said. Ummayyah stopped and was watching   Hameed. Hameed greeted her and she was just looking him.

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