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Ummayyah's POV

  The weather here was so good, it was such a beautiful place. I slept with my nani, she said me her childhood stories and I slept fast!!

  Nanu said many stories to us,which we all loved to listen. He was always motivating. Rayees is Xerox copy of nanu, Mom says.

   We all went early morning walks. There were many small stalls near Nanu's home. We all did our little shopping, then we reached home. I got many messages from Shahada, Samera and Kalima!! I replied them all.

They said about university. Samera and Kalima were teasing Shahada about Omar.

Miss you Ummayyah! Samera pinged.

Yeah! Me tooo, Kalima said.

  "Come back home soon, Shahada replied".

   Missing you guys too!!!I texted them back.

   After chatting with my cousins and Kalima I went to kitchen and saw Meher de and Nurdeen jeeju were cooking.

  Wow! Jeeju is so cute, He always helps my de. I hugged them both they hugged me back. Rayees was playing with babies. I went to hall and everyone was seeing me.

  What? I asked.

   Nothing beta! Mom said. Rayees came and I took him to the Lawn. What were they talking about??? I asked him.

   They were just having casual talks, he replied! Something is fishy from long time, I whispered...

   I took Malmal in my lap and was pinching her cheeks. She kept giggling. She is my happy place.

Kalima's POV
      It's been four days since Ummayyah left, But I felt lonely without her. I dint wanted to tell her.

     She always ask me, "You miss me right?"

         And I tease her by telling, Noo!! I, Samera and Shahada having great time without you.

       We did our song practice by calling Ummayyah!!! 

         Shahada and Omar were still fighting. Samera and Naveen had some connection between them!!

        When I reached home, I tried telling Ummayyah about what Hameed feels. "But before I could tell her, Hameed interupted and he gave me a pleading look".

     I went to Hameed and said him to tell Ummayyah about his feelings!!!

    I will tell her, when the right time comes! He replied

      But, Hameed! I tried

      Never talk about it again, He warned me...

     Fine I said and  I walked away from his room.. And then I saw Ummayyah has send a text.

  Assalamualaikum Kalima!

  Walaikumassalam, I Replied

     So, What's up??

     Just with little Pari!! How about you?

       Hearing my Nanu's singing!!! And missing you.

     Ummayyah! I miss you too, feeling bored without you. And then I called her... We chatted for few minutes more and I slept off!



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