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Ummayyah's POV

   All the way to home I and Kalima kept laughing. I went to home, Mom said we are going to Nanu's home tomorrow. We will be back after a week.

    I was so excited. Nanu was the best person in my life. I just love spending time with him. And nanu's house is so peaceful. My nanu always keeps singing.

   I pinged my cousins and kalima, to tell them that i am going to Nanu's home. They said have a happy and safe journey.

   After replying to them. I went to my room, I read my namaz and recited surah Yaseen.

  I went to my bed and Kalima called me. She asked me when I am leaving?

  I said tomorrow.

   OMA!! Okay come and pick me from my home now! She said.

   What? Now?

  Yeah! I can't see you for a week, so please come na.

    Okay wait, I am coming! I said. I wore my abhaya and went down.

  Rayees saw me and asked, where are you going?

   To see Kalima! I said.

   Did you see the time? Its 11:30! Go back to sleep and see her tomorrow.

    Bro please! Tomorrow we are leaving early and I can't see her for week.

   Huh! Whats wrong with you two? "Acting as lovers". He mocked. I rolled my eyes and then he said, Okay I will come along with you!!

    We went to Kalima's home. Kalima was standing near the garden. She said salam happily when she saw me. I greeted her back. But then her smile faded.

   I asked her what happened?

   Your brother! He cant leave you alone even for a minute?She questioned..

   What about your brother I teased her.

  He is sleeping and he knows, I can take care of myself. She said!!

   Ohhh really! Then who is that near the door trying to hide like a kid? I asked.

    Hameed came out and said, Actually I got a call Ummayyah so only I came out.

  See Ummayyah! I said na!!

  Rayees came and said, Hameed let me check who called you at 11:30 pm?

   Hameed ran off and Rayees chased him!!

  Kalima all the brothers are the same. You are so innocent, Thats why you dont notice, I said making fun of her.

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