Growing up

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After being second to my younger twin in many things such as speaking and walking, I started developing unique attributes. These attributes made me stand out a little and that boosted my confidence however that made my sister's confidence dwindle.

Age 3

"Mommy." I called as I walked towards my mother hoping to get my favorite juice from her.
"Yes Jazmine." My mother answered.
"Juice!" I yelled out.
"Alright, let's go get some from the fridge." She answered.

We walked towards the kitchen where my father was reading to Jamie. If it was one thing that Jamie loved was to be read to. My mother opened the fridge and took out the carton of cherry juice and poured it into my favorite cup.

"Here you go Jazzy." My mother said. "Jamie, do you want some too?"

Jamie looked at my mother with accepting eyes.

"Yes mommy." She said smiling.

My mother laugh and pour her some juice as well.

I marched over to the old guitar that stood in the house and sat in front of it. I would usually stare at the instrument for hours and I loved when dad played it.

"You and that guitar Jazmine, I see you really love it. One day, we can get Daddy to teach you how to play." My mother said.

Christmas Day:
On Christmas Day, my sister and I both received special gifts. We both got a special snowflake necklace each. These snowflake necklaces were special because of what they could do. They both came with a little music box that played different music depending on which necklace is placed on the box's top. If you combined both, it also played a new song.

Age 4

On my birthday, I received a little pink guitar from my parents. My uncle Fernando gave me and my sister sparkling gold dresses, since my sister's birthday was the next day.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Jazzy and Jamie! Happy Birthday to you." My parents sang.

"Daddy, I want you to play guitar." I requested.

"Sure thing my winter angel." My father said picking up the guitar playing it and singing.

"I don't get why you call her winter angel." My mother commented after my father was finished.

"That's cause she is like a winter's snow. She brings happiness to my soul." My father replied.

I smiled at my father taking up the little guitar I had and giving it to him.

"First, tune it." I said remembering how he said that every time he would play guitar.

"You're adorable, but before we get to your guitar, let's get you some cake. It's your favorite, chocolate cake." My father said making me jump into his hands.

My father cut the cake and fed me. Although I could feed myself, I enjoyed being fed by my parents and also my family's aide, such as, the butler: Geoffrey Weekes or even the maid: Marcia Leneiva.


Throughout the year, I learned how to play guitar from my dad.

"Ready Winter Angel?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, wait no, first tune it." I said.
"That's right, let's get the tuning done." My father replied as he tuned his while I tuned mine.

"Now we ready." I told him.

"One for the money, Two for the show, Three to get ready and a Four to go." My father sang as we strummed on the numbers.

"Oh let's rock, oh baby rock, just rocking and rolling with my baby girl, let's Rock!" My father sang as we strummed like Elvis Presley guitarists.

"She's good, like really good." My mother said.

"Yeah you're right, she's learning well." My father added.

My sister asked for the guitar so she could try, so I gave her the guitar so she could play as well.

She tried strumming a few chords but they sounded terrible so she put down the guitar and started crying.

Age 5

At the age of 5, I started learning how to play piano and my sister got shyer and shyer and stood far away from musical instruments.

"Daddy, why is Jazmine better than me at every practical thing?" Jamie asked.

"She isn't better than you at every practical thing, she just has her unique skills." My father said.

"But she..." Jamie started.

"Jamie, I'm not better at everything. You can read better than me." I said.

"But that's one thing." Jamie said softly.

"Don't be sad, I'm sure you're better at other things too." I said comforting Jamie.

"Alright." My sister said.

If it was one thing my sister could do better than me musically, it was singing.

"Girls! Jazper! Dinner is ready." My mother said causing us to go to the kitchen.

"What's for dinner?" My father asked.

"Pasta!" My mother said excitedly.

"Yeah" Jamie and I cheered.

If it was one thing, pasta was our favorite food and we enjoyed eating it.

"So tell me girls, how was school?" My mother asked.

"It was fun." I said boldly.
"It wasn't good for me." My sister said in a sad tone.
"Why not Jamie?" My father asked.

"Well I had to read in front of the whole class and after that they teased me about being a brainiac and my ability to read." Jamie said sadly.

"That's alright Jamie, they are upset that you are better than them at reading like how you were upset earlier at Jazmine with her ability of musical talent." My father explained.

With that Jamie smiled.


Growing up - Jazmine Mini #2

The Rich Girl: The Life of Jazmine MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now