From Good to Bad

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Age 10

It was two weeks before my 11th birthday and I had just woken up from a lovely slumber to find my beautiful twin sister already awake.

"Good morning Jamie, What you wanna do today?" I asked her.
"I don't know Jaz but I am certain about one thing." She replied.
"What's that?" I asked.
"I wanna play a prank on daddy, he loves pranks." She explained.
"Alright, let's make daddy's life interesting and a bit miserable." I agreed.

We got up and ran down stairs for tools to use in the prank.

We did prank dad and he laughed about it, however mom was really upset about it. My sister and I just laughed at her outburst of frustration.

Age 11

I woke up excited about today cause it meant that I was officially eleven years old and that equals more privileges.
"Good morning Jazzy, Happy Birthday." Jamie wished as she got up.
"Morning my darling sister, thank you." I said.

Every year for our birthdays we celebrated on our respective birthdays.

"Good morning my princesses." My mother said as she entered our room.

"Morning mom." We both said.

"Happy Birthday dear." My mother said to me as my dad entered the room with his guitar and started singing the birthday song.

It was like a tradition for my dad to play the birthday song for our birthdays.

My mother took out a gift from her pocket and gave me.

I unwrapped the gift to find a box with a diamond watch in it.

"Thank you mother." I said accepting the gift.


Jamie and I were watching the television while I was eating a snack.
"Jazmine, can I have some of your snack?" My sister asked.
"Hmmm? How come, aren't there more in the cupboard?" I questioned.
"Well, I don't feel like getting up and today is Geoffrey's off day." She explained.
"Makes sense, you can have some." I said sharing my snack.

It was a giant chocolate chip chewy dip bar. We always got those in bulk because of our father had a friend who managed a chocolate factory and he would send some for us every week.
At school
Early October

I go to a public school not far away from my home. I go to the Rover Grove Academy Middle School.

"Hey Jazmine!" My friend Kristina said.
"Hey Kris." I said to her.

Now I have been going school here for a while and if there was one thing I always hated was people speaking bad about me or my sister or even confusing her for me.

As Kristina and I walked down the hall, I saw a group of girls talking and laughing. I initially ignored them till they made the mistake.

"Hey Martinez! Did your accent fall out of Russia like how you fell out of the ugly tree?" The so called queen empress, Brianna Midhale said.

I continued walking as I tried to ignore her.

"Did you choke on your words like you always do, trap rat?" She said.

I don't usually choke on my words so she would have had to be referring to Jamie.

"What did you say about my sister?!" I asked angrily.
Just then the bell rang.
"Saved by the bell." I said as I continued to class.

I passed my ex best friend Jessie Patrick and her brother James, who I was crushing on.

"Jessie." I scoffed.
"Jazmine." She returned.

"Hey! Be nice you two." James demanded.
"Fine." We both said as we made our way to our respective classes.

Lunch came and I realized that all of my usual friends were gone, even Kristina who was my best friend.

When I finally saw them, they were with the one person I trusted not to betray me.

"Hey guys! Jamie!" I called.

"Hey." They all said in unison.

After school my friends came up to me.

"Sorry Jazmine but we can't be friends anymore." Kristina said leading the charge.
"Yeah, your sister is cooler, and she won't get us in trouble with that anger." A boy name Ken said.

"Fine! I don't need you! I don't need any of you!" I exclaimed in anger and marched off to where I was usually picked up by Frank Sever, who was my sister's and I personal chauffeur.

"How was your day Jazz?" My sister asked as we got in the limousine.
"Just stay away from me!" I shouted at her which made her flinch.
"What's the matter?" She asked.
"You are! You are a traitorous cry baby who gets everything!" I exclaimed making her start crying.

Usually when Jamie cry I felt sad but for some reason I didn't feel sorry.

When we arrived home I ran straight into my comfort spot that I went to when I was sad or mad. The only other person who knew of this spot was my father.

I began to cry as I felt very sad and angry.

In an half of an hour my father showed up.

"What's the matter dear." He asked.
"Nothing." I said trying not to say anything about what happened.
"We both know that isn't true." He said.
"Whatever!" I exclaimed and ran off towards the room I shared with Jamie.

"Hey sis." She greeted.
"Save it. Don't talk to me." I said to her.

My mother entered the room at the same time I said that.

Usually when something was wrong Jamie got both of my parents attention about it, I hardly get their attention on matters.

"What is up with you two?" My mother asked.
"Jazmine is being mean all of a sudden." Jamie said.
"Jazmine!" My mother said in an upset tone.
"You don't even want to hear my side?! Look forget it. I don't care anymore." I said frustrated.

I ran out and went into the living room where my dad was.

"I need to move out of that room this instant." I demanded.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because..." I started.
"Don't you be rude and run away and think it will go unnoticed." My mother interrupted.
"Just allow me to use one of the unused rooms." I said.
"No! End of story, I heard what happened today, oh and by the way you're grounded for a month." My mother exclaimed.

I growled at everything that happened.

"Today is just the worst day ever, but you know what, you obviously care more about your precious angel Jamie. I am finished, just leave me alone." I said crying and I went into one of the other rooms slamming the door, and locking it.


From Good to Bad - Jazmine Mini #4

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