The one who do not need them, has them

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10 days later
"I can't take it anymore Joel, talk to me. Do something, anything to keep me from running down there pulling him of her". I stomp into Joel's room, probably looking about to explode.

Joel look up at me as I am pacing the floor, and running my hand through my hair repeatedly. "What is happening Zac ?"

  "Imad happened ! I ran into him in the hallway and the fucker insisted on telling me that he was on his way to impregnate his beautiful young wife". I feel physically I'll at the idea and honestly I just want to hit something.. hard.

Joel sigh and shake his head. "I get it, but there is nothing you can do Zac. It is his right, by the laws here he owns her and if you do something it will not only be you but also her in trouble".

  "I know Joel, but the thought of him touching her makes me physically ill and I hate that I can't protect her from him". I sit down heavily, hiding my face in my hands.

Honestly I literally feel like crying, like screaming out my frustration. I feel like hitting and kicking something. Since the first time we have spend every night together and as much as the day as we can get away with.

Joel is shaking his head again. "Not that I really want to know this, but I am guessing that you against all sensibility and advice has made your relationship physical.. right ?"

"Uhm yeah, I guess you can say that". I can't really see any reason to try and lie to Joel, but I won't get into any details about it.

My best friend is looking concerned and I know that it comes from a place of love. "Promise to be very careful, okay ? Don't get yourself caught, most likely neither of you would get out of that alive".

"I know, believe me. We are being very careful about it.  I don't want anything to happen to her". I get up and starts pacing again.

Joel is looking at bit uneasy when he ask. "And you are being careful in the other way too right ? It wouldn't be very smart to go get her pregnant".

"She can't have any kids, so it is not really a problem". To be honest I am a bit sad about that. I would really like to have kids, but maybe there is help to get back in America or we can adopt.

His eyes go wide with a gasp. "Are you telling me that you are not using any protection because she thinks she can't get pregnant ? Please tell me you are not that .. dumb".

"Relax Joel, I didn't exactly bring any condoms with me, did I ? I didn't really expect this". Why is Joel looking like he wants to hit me ?

Now Joel is the one running his hand through his hair and pacing the floor. "Fuck Zac, did you ever stop to consider that it is Imad there is something wrong with ? His other wife haven't had any children either".

"But.. But.. She said she couldn't have any children". I hadn't even entertained the possibility that she could be wrong. Fuck I have been so damn stupid.

Joel lets out a long breath. "I am sure that she doesn't know any better. She is probably getting told all the time that it is her".

"Shit, I really fucked up here didn't I ?" I look up at Joel who nods. What if he is right ? What if she gets pregnant ? Will Imad believe it is his ?

I watch my friend walk briskly out into the bathroom, then he return, throwing a whole box of condoms in my lap. "The wifey insisted in packing these. So at least be careful from now on and hope it isn't to late".

"Uhh thanks.. Do I wanna know why your wife insists on you bringing condoms ?" I look at Joel with wide eyes.

He just shakes his head, his expression telling me not to ask any further. "No Zac, you definitely don't".

Honestly, I can't help but think that it wouldn't really be a disaster if she got pregnant. She would be so beautifully pregnant and I am sure she will be a fantastic mother. But of course it would make it more dangerous and complicated as long as she is still here in Saudi arabia.

"Okay, I will be careful. I think, I am ready to go back now and rest". I put the condoms in my pocket and leave Joel's room, heading for my own.

Zac's room is empty when I sneak into it. Where can he be ? I throw myself on the bed, waiting for him to return. I need him.

"Zara ?" Zac come through the door, and as soon as he see me there, he is next to me, pulling her into his arm.

I snuggle closer, enjoying the feeling of his strong arms around me. There is no better place to be in the world than in his embrace. No place feeling more safe than in his arms.

"Where were you Zac ?" I look up at him. Not that it really matter, he is just normally always here waiting for me.

His eyes are turning dark, and not they way they turn darker when he is getting aroused. It is in a way I have only seen a couple of times. He is angry. "I had to get away. I met Imad when he was going to your room. I was afraid I would run over there pulling him away from you".

"Zac you know you can't do that, but I love that you wants to protect me like that". I kiss him softly. How can a man be this amazingly perfect ?

He is snuggling his face into my neck, leaving little kisses between the words. "I can't take the idea of him touching you. I should be the only one to ever put my hands on you ever again".

"I can't stand it either and he didn't.. I lied to him. I said it was that time of the month, so now he is angry and disappointed that I am not pregnant". I am biting my lip.

He lights up in a big smile. "If you knew how happy I am to hear that. You really are clever my darling".

I can't help grinning and kiss him softly. Unfortunately this lie will only keep him away for about a week. Actually it should be that time of the month soon. I am pretty sure about that, cause I haven't been bleeding while Zac has been here.

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