What the american did

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3 weeks later
I am taking a bath, soaking up the warmth. It is late in the afternoon and once again I fear that this is the evening I ad will come to my room again, to take what is his right as my husband.

He has already been by two times since that evening. The first time I lied and told him that I was still bleeding, even though I haven't been bleeding at all. And the second time I pretending to feel I'll, and I had complained so much about the pain that he gave up and left me.

The mere thought of having sex with him is so repulsive to me by now that it makes me feel physically ill. But I know that I have run out of excuses, the next time he comes I will have to bite my teeth and endure.

The only man I wanted to ever touch me if it was up to me Is Zac. Every touch from him is soothing on my soul, every kiss is a joy and every smile he blesses upon me is a gift.

I close my eyes, and dream myself away to a world where I can go with him when he leave in a week. Where I can be his forever. I sigh feeling the pain in my chest, one week is all we have left.

"It's the Young handsome american, isn't it ?" Nara is looking at me as she start washing my hair with gentle hands.

I open my eyes and look up at her with confusion, could she know anything ? "It's the young American, who what Nara ?"

"That has you sighing like a tragic heroin from a story, the fact that he is leaving soon probably". The old woman is giving me a knowing look.

I feel myself blush quite badly. Can I tell Nara the truth ? It's not that I don't trust her, I just don't want her involved in it. "I don't know what you are talking about Nara, I am not sighing".

Nara don't say anything, she just smile softly at me and I let myself slip back into my own thoughts, another soft sigh escaping my lips, making the old woman chuckle.

But when I step out of the yup a little later and start drying of, Nara is i stantos by my side, looking me thoroughly over. "When did you have your last bleeding Zara ?"

"Uhm.. I don't remember exactly, shortly before all the movie people arrived.. why ?" I look at her with confusion.

Nara looks at me with great concern, shaking her head lightly. "And that would be him too right ? The American I mean. Of course it can only be him, your husband is clearly not capable".

"What are you talking about Nara ? What isn't my husband capable of ?" I am actually really confused now and worried too. What has Zac done and will Imad be able to see ?

Nare gently take my hand and look into my eyes. "Your husband is not capable of making kids, but your young friend so certainly is, because you are pregnant my girl".

  "Oh God I am ? But I thought I couldn't have kids". I clamp a hand over my mouth, feeling utterly terrified. Will Imad believe that it is his ? And what is Zac going to say ? He has been using protection lately, but he didn't in the beginning.

What am I to do ? I would love to have a baby, especially Zac's baby. But it is not really fair to him, Maybe it's better not to tell him ?

But what will happen when the baby is born ? What if the baby look like Zac and not arabic at all ? Then Imad will surely know.

I start crying and Nara instantly put her arms around me. "There there my child, it will be okay, I can make it go away if you want me to".

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