Chapter 9

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"Ricky, you can't love me!" I exclaimed. He looked confused.

"Yes, I can, and I WILL." He said. 

"RICKY!" I began.

"No, Emma! I'm in love with you! I have been since we met! And, honestly?! I don't intend on stopping, either!" He said. I stood there, breathless. He wasn't lying. I knew he wasn't lying because his tell is he stutters. My jaw hung open, and he gently pushed his finger against the bottom of my chin, and pushed up.

"Shh. Emma, I only see you." I didn't know what to say. I fell in love. WITH MY STEP BROTHER! Even though, I'm sure we were more than that. 

"Emma, if I make you uncomfortable, please tell me." He said, a little sad, but thoughtful. 

"No, Ricky, it's not that." I replied.

"Then what is it?" 

"I...I'm scared." I say, terrified to even say the words. He looked shocked.

"But why?" He asked. 

"Because you're famous, and I'm not." I replied. He smiled, and brushed my hair back behind my ear. 

"You're already famous in my book, Emma." He pecked me. 

"So, you're not embarrassed to be with me?" I asked, meekly. He laughed.

"No. No, I'm not."

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