Chapter 11

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The next day, Ricky and I walked to school together. We didn't hold hands or anything, because that would make it obvious, which we were trying to avoid. As soon as we walked through the school doors, girls were all over Ricky. It made me a bit angry, to be honest...

"Oh, Ricky! You're SO CUTE!" Said one girl.

"Cute?! He's sexy!" Replied another. It made me cringe. I went over and sat at my usual seat. Then, Abigail Blak walked over to me. 

Abigail Blak was the captain of the cheer squad, and the second most popular girl in school. 

"Wow, Emma. So, you're REALLY related to Ricky." She said, pretending to be interested.

"Cut the shit, Abi. We all know you're not interested in Ricky. Stop pretending. Life isn't a game you can 'win' or 'lose'. Knock it off." I snapped. Abi looked at me like I crossed some territorial line. She got really close to me, and said,

"Stay away from Ricky. He's mine. Not yours." I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah. Okay. Sure. We'll roll with that." I shot her a look that made her leave me alone. Then, I realized. Ricky and I neded to talk...

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