[4] Moaning...

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Winter season. Although it's the middle of the day, when the Sun is high up in the sky, blasting its glorious rays, shining oh-so-bright, lighting half of the exposed part of the earth, where it should give at least a bit warmth to the people, but no. It was freezing cold. And the clothes I was wearing didn't freaking help at all. Or maybe because of what I did to myself which made it difficult for me, whenever it's the winter season. The long line didn't help as well with the situation, when we got stucked in the long queue and I had to shiver and it would prickle me and felt already as bad as I was feeling then.

Me and Sehun were on our way back home from the market, when I felt my legs started to terribly itch again. We took longer than expected in buying stuffs they need, not only for lunch, but also other necessary stuff that they needed inside their house which was lacking. Good thing, Chanyeol had given me extra money to spend. I hope he wouldn't mind though that I had spent most of it.

"I shouldn't have worn this jeans in the first place." I wailed as I scratch desperately my legs behind my tight jeans. Sehun throw me a confusing look. Now we had taken a ride on the bus and settled to sit nearly at the back. Me by the window while Sehun, of course beside me.

"Why noona what's wrong?" he asked as he trailed his eyes towards where my hand was. "Are you still freaking shaving your legs?"

I gasped at him, "Did you just used the word 'freaking' at me, and yes I do still shave my legs, thanks a lot. Got a prob with that?" I hissed hitting his arm lightly.

"Yes! because you're a girl! you're not supposed to shave your legs, unlike guys." he reasoned out rolling his eyes.

I peered at him, "I'm telling you girls are shaving their legs nowadays and it's nothing new." earning a chuckle from him.

"But some girls goes to a place they called 'spa' and do what they called 'waxing', you know. But you..." he snickered but was cut off when I snarled at him.

"What? what? me what? You can't blame me. You know very well that I'm not blessed money-wise spending my savings on those 'waxing' thing you're talking about is ridiculous, and a shaver only cost two-dollars, the effects are the same, they take out the fucking hairs. What's wrong with that?" I justified rolling my eyes this time.

Well, I'm not really the kind of person who would mak a big deal about a leg hair and all. But after what happened during my high school days, when my first love crush totally made fun of me aftering seeing my leg hair, made me shaved it starting then. And thinking about it now makes me scoffed in frustration. I was so stupid.

"I could have protected you noona if only I was there." I can't help but pinch his cheeks on how cute he's being right now. Baekhyun and I were only first year back then when it happened. And I can still remember how Baekhyun punch the stupid guy straight at the face and I chuckled at the memory.

"Well at least Baekhyun was there, so there's no need to worry." I said nudging him on his shoulder and he just pouted.

"I promise this time I'll protect you noona. I won't let anyone bully you." he said in a serious tone and still pouting. I cupped his cheek and patted it lightly.

"No one is going to bully me anymore Sehunnie, but still... thank you!" I said kissing his cheek after pulling off my hands on his. And there goes his never ending smile.

Soon we reached home and I had the most urgency to go straight to the bathroom to ease the feeling. As soon as the door swung open, I pushed the shopping bags onto Sehun's telling him to help me organize the things we bought and went straight towards the bathroom.

|Author's POV|

|...few minutes back|

"What's taking them so long...?" Baekhyun whined as he slumped down on the couch. One  and a half hour had already passed since the two of you left. And Baekhyun isn't nowhere near from being patient while waiting for you two.

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