Chapter 1 : Competition

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Viktor's POV •
As I continued to observe Yuuri practice I noticed Yurio on the side watching him as well, in an aw state. Yurio had an expression on his face that said it all. An expression that screamed, "I want him". I felt my jealousy side creep up more and more whenever Yuuri would do a salchow and Yurio's eyes would light up and the smile he was trying to hide would grow. I tried to shake it off, but it was just far too difficult to ignore. I made my way to Yurio, desperate for some answers and when I reached him, the game began.
"Hey Yurio."
As soon as Yurio heard my voice and was aware of my presence his smile was gone in a flash and he tried to hide the blush that was forming on his face.
"H-Hey. What's going on?"
Yurio's answer gave me all the information I needed and I was more than ready to win this battle.
"Oh nothing really, I just couldn't help but notice that you're staring at Yuuri."
Yurio still not looking at me, tensed up and became visibly nervous.
"O-Oh, no. I-I was just... Watching to see when he messed up. Y-Yeah! That's it, and later I could help him with his mistakes!"
I hummed in response then watched as his blush became even more intense and he tried to change the subject.
"S-So... Viktor, uh, have you been prac-" Yurio tried to ask me a question, but I cut him off .
"I'm just gonna get straight to the point. You like Yuuri, and I like Yuuri."
"Wha- N-No I-"
"So we both can't have him now can we? So let's see who can win him over first."
Interested, Yurio looked at me and nodded his head, letting me continue.
"Whoever can get him to love one of us, then you get to have him and we can't interfere with it."
I heard Yurio hum then he looked back at Yuuri and his face lit up as soon as he looked at him. Then he looked back at me, determination implanted on his face.
"Alright, we have until the Gran Prix Finals."
Yurio and I shook hands as a bet and then we both looked back at Yuuri and watched, both of us planning.
The game is on.

Haiii -3-
So this just randomly came to my head and I don't really know if I should continue it or just leave it? Please leave a comment below to what I should do 😊👍🏼
Also I'm writing this on my phone so it's reaaalllyy terrible and un-edited.
ALSO I'm at a hospital right now, waiting for my sister to have her baby ❤️ so I'm gonna be helping her with that for a couple weeks so I dunno when I'd be able to publish new stories ;n; I'll try my best tho = D
Kay baii ❄️
*Dont mind if the names are misspelled in the title, correct me if you want but I dont wanna change them* xD
⬇️ You have leave your suggestions in the comments ⬇️

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