Chapter 8: Otabek

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(A/N : I'm sorry this took so long ;n; I'm busy with school and my laptop is still broken so I can't write stories on my own time only during school and lately my school library has been closed and today it isn't so I took this chance :3 )

// Yurio's POV \\

Viktor and I sat on the floor watching T.V both of us wondering when Yuuri will wake up. I only held him for a moment then I noticed his breathing slow down and his face looked peaceful, then he was asleep. I placed him down gently on his bed and pulled the covers over him, but I think I might've went over board with the blanket.. I practically put it over his face, but I mean I was preventing him from catching a cold!

I sighed lightly then heard footsteps coming down the stairs, Viktor heard it too and we both stood up and watched as a tired Yuuri came down, dragging his feet in the process.
Viktor and I hugged Yuuri then told him Chris was taken care of, and he sure was. I noticed Yuuri had a bit of a sniffle, and being myself, I immediately thought he had a cold so I excused myself to go take a look in the bathroom for some cold medication. I looked vigorously in each cupboard, but nothing. I scratched my head then made the decision to go out to the nearest pharmacy and buy something for Yuuri. I made my way down back to Viktor and Yuuri and said, "Hey guys I'm gonna head out to grab something, I'll be back soon." And with that I heard the goodbye's and be safe's and made my way out. I took a look up at the sky and was memorized by the beautiful colours. A faint breeze brushed away the remaining clouds leaving a gorgeous ombré sky. A pink near the horizon and a purple just above. Both colours mixing perfectly together.

I continued walking down the street not noticing that I was still looking up at the sky until I accidentally bumped into something, or... Someone?
"Hey! Watch whe-" I cut myself off when I glanced at the person, only to find a very attractive man. "I mean, s-sorry.." I blushed lightly then brushed my clothes. The person glared at me and scoffed then walked down the alley next to us. For a guy with his appearance, I didn't expect him to be so edgy.
I blinked then shrugged and let it slide. Walking down the street I couldn't help but feel some warmth run within my body. Was it because of that guy..? No it couldn't be, I only have feelings for Yuuri.. I mean you can't have feelings for someone you just met.. Right?

I reached the pharmacy and wondered through each aisle, choosing carefully to which kind of medication I should get for my precious Yuuri.
I got to the last aisle and I heard the door bell ding. I glanced at the entrance and was shOOK when I saw the edgy man walk in.
Was he following me?
He took off his glasses and I was amazed at how flawless he looked. Short brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes, clear smooth skin that has a light tan and his lips, oh so plump.
He's so bea- oh shshite he's looking at me!! I immediately put down whatever medicine I was looking at and crept away from the aisle. I turned around swiftly but then bumped into someone.. Again.

"You know, for a punk like you, you do say sorry a lot."
I flinched then backed up and looked up at the guy. Wait- wasn't he just at the cashier..? How did he-
"The name's Otabek." He said, stretching out his hand, gesturing me to shake it. Cautiously, I took his hand.
"Yurio- I mean Yuri." I stuttered out, releasing his hand.
He hummed in response then said, "What are you doing here?"
"Getting medicine for... A friend."
Otabek gave me a look then turned around and walked through the aisle we were in. "Medicine for?"
"A cold." I responded quickly. Otabek stopped walking then picked up a small box then threw it at me. I caught it then looked at the label, 'Cold medication for Yuuri Katsuki'. (I didn't know what to put xD )
"I'll pay." Otabek said, giving me what looked like a fake smile.
"N-No, you don't have to."
"Please, I insist."
I stared at him for a moment to find any sign of joking, but to my surprise, none.

He payed then once we were outside he gave me a once over before saying, "Well Yurio, it was a pleasure." And with that he got onto his motorcycle, put on his helmet, waved then left.
I blinked a couple times then felt my heart beating quickly. I looked at the box in my hand and my eyes widened when I saw that it had numbers writing on it. Was it his phone number..?
I smiled lightly then turned around and made my way back.
Well, other than seeing Chris with a bloody nose, this was the most exciting thing that happened today.
Ooohhhhhh mmmyyyyyy ggggaaaawwwwdddd
I'm sooorrryyy for the lack of stories ;n;;;
I'm not going to come up with an excuse because there's nothing to say but that I've kind of lost my inspiration to write. But do not fear! I will continue this series until the very end!
I can't say I'll improve with my publishing but I will say that I'll try.
Again, thank you to everyone's support!!
Baiii <3

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