Chapter 3: Rule

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A/N : So, this is really rushed and terrible, so don't mind any errors you might find .

// Viktor's POV \\

"Hey! Yuuri~!" I said, stopping Yuuri from entering his room.
Yuuri looked back at me then smiled before saying, "Yeah?" 

"Do you wanna go somewhere later? Like for lunch or something?" I asked, hoping Yuuri will accept. Yuuri looked at me as he thought, then nodded and smiled.
"Yeah, sure."
He gave me his smile that made my heart flutter and brought a blush to my face, I returned a smile and watched as he continued forth and walked into his room. I brought my hand to my forehead then brushed it through my hair and turned around, walking to my own room to pick out an outfit for later today. After going through my clothes, I finally agreed to a decent pair; a white dress shirt and black pants, along with my blue converse. I placed the clothes on my bed and grabbed a towel as I made my way to the bathroom. 
I turned the shower knob and adjusted the temperature to my liking and began to strip. Once I was entirely naked I stepped into the shower and shivered as I felt the hot water meet my skin. I gradually became used to the water and hung my head low as the water trickled its water down my body.

"Does Yurio really think he can win against me? I who is closet to Yuuri, and he just thinks be can become closer to him in just a small matter of time?" I thought to myself as a smirk made it's way to my lips. "Tch, as if.. Yuuri will be mine, and mine alone." (A/N damn Viktor getting possessive af)

~ Little time skip ~

I stood in front of my mirror as I slid on the white dress shirt I decided to wear, but stopped when I heard a loud bang come from Yuuri's room. Terrified I ran to the younger boys room with my shirt still not buttoned up and slammed the door open, only to see the boy lying on the floor, piles of posters stacked on top of him. Yuuri looked up at me with his lopsided glasses and a small blush on his face. I chuckled then kneeled down beside him and helped him remove the papers that were trapping him on the floor. When I picked one up, I caught a glimpse of it and saw that it was a poster of me. I raised an eyebrow before looking at Yuuri, who now was blushing madly and his eyes wide.
"I-I can explain!" Yuuri stuttered, surprisingly getting up with a new found strength and trying to snatch the poster from my hands.
"Oh?" I said, teasing the boy more. "Well, well. Yuuri, it looks like you just can't stand not looking at my face all the time~"
I held up the poster above my head, not allowing Yuuri to reach it. But as he attempted to stand up for a better advantage, Yuuri slipped on a poster below him, causing him to fall forward and land on top of me.

// Yuuri's POV \\

I winced a bit from the fall and my eyes shot open when I realized the position I was in. I looked up at Viktor with wide eyes to see him smirking down at me, a play full look on his face. 
"Well, what do we have here?" Viktor said, leaning in close to my ear. "Can't resist, can you? Yuuri..~" I felt my breath hitch from his last words and my face becoming a bright red. Viktor's hand fell to my waist and suddenly flipped us over, I was now looking up at Viktor as he stared down at me with lust burning in his eyes. 
I was completely speechless and motionless, I just laid there, shocked. Again, Viktor leaned down, but this time at my neck. I bit my lip to prevent a moan from escaping as Viktor's tongue slid up my neck and onto my ear.
"Oi! What do you think your doing? Clean this shit up, we have visitors coming soon."
I looked up to see Yurio towering over us, his signature death glare burning holes into the back of Viktor's head. His eyes met mine and his face softened a bit, but a hint of sadness was seen. Embarrassed I shoved Viktor off me and started to pick up the posters that were scattered across my floor, not daring to make eye contact with either of them.
As I continued to clean up at Sonic speed (A/N I'm sorry I just had to xD) I heard Viktor say to Yurio, "Let's make a rule, neither of us can interrupt during our time alone with him." I heard Yurio make a 'tch' before he responded. "Yeah, whatever."
Confused I looked back at both of them and saw that they were already staring back at me, determination wrote all over their faces. 

"What... rule?" I thought to myself.






Ohohoohoooohh daym. That was short and it took me 3 days to come up with it. xD

Sorry I didn't get it out sooner, just wasn't feeling the writing life at the time. 

Also, the suggestions for this story have ended. I have chosen a plot for this story and I thought it was a really good one too.

" What if they each start to make passes at him and one of them fucks up and Yuuri realises it's a game. So he hates them for a bit but then Chris shows interest in Yuuri so Victor and Yuri team up to stop Chris and then Yuuri forgives them both bc they got the creepy dude off his back and then one of them realises that it's no longer a game and they're seriously in love with Yuri. Therefore ending up with him. "

Thank you @literallyqueenb for this suggestion!!

So, like said I will be going on break starting Friday mah doods, so I will publish another part to this story when I return! Thank you for support!! <3

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