~ Just Watch ~

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// Yurio's POV \\

As I laid in my bed, staring up at the ceiling I wondered how I got myself into this mess. I do really want Yuuri to be mine and mine alone, but it just seems kind of... wrong. Wrong to fight over someone and fight over their love. I sighed deeply and rubbed in my in annoyance, turning to my left side, attempting to get comfortable and drift away into sleep. It was literally a game of tug-a-war, Yuuri being the rope and Viktor and I, pulling opposite ends, trying to get the rope to one of our sides. How did I even fall for this idiot? How and why, were the real questions. 
I smiled lightly as I remembered the day Yuuri made me go crazy for him.

- Flash Back-
"Yurio! Wait up!"
I turned around to see Yuuri running towards me with a kind of large bag in his hands and a smile implanted on his face. I stopped walking and waited for him to reach me.
"What do you want?" I said, a hint of irritation in my voice.
"H-Hey..." Yuuri said panting, trying to catch his breath. "I-I bought you something..."
I made a 'tch' sound before completely facing him and put my hands in my jacket pockets.

Yuuri took a deep breath and held out the bag in front of me, gesturing me to take it. I hesitated then took the bag from the older boys hands and gave him a look before opening it, only to reveal the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I gasped lightly as I took out the leopard backpack and said,
"Eto tak krasivo..." (It is so beautiful)
I cleared my throat then looked away and said,
"N-Nothing... Thanks I-I guess..."
Yuuri smiled and hugged me suddenly, bringing a blush to my cheeks from his action.

"W-What are you d-doing?! G-Get off!"
I tried to pry him off, but he only tightened his grip on me. Sighing I wrapped my arms around his waist. It's the best I could do right? I mean he bought this amazing, beautiful backpack for me and I guess a hug wouldn't hurt. After a minute he pulled back and I was instantly disappointed at the loss of his warmth. His face was dangerously close to mine, and the blush on my cheeks spread and I was probably as red as a tomato.
"Y-You like it right...? I mean... If you don't like it, then I could buy you a different one! O-Or you could chose whichever one you like, i-it doesn't matter how much it is, as long a-"
To shut the brat up, I pulled him back against me and wrapped my arms around him, nuzzling my face into his neck.
"Thank you, Yuuri... I love it."
Yuuri was silent for a second, and when I thought I've done something wrong I was about to pull back but then felt him wrap his arms around me and bear hug me.

"You're welcome, Yurio..."
- End of flash back -

I know what you're thinking, "Oh wow Yurio, you fell in love with a boy who just bought you a bag." And yes, I did. Because that bag had so much fashion and boy, was it beautiful. 
Ever since then, I've been blushing every time Yuuri looked my way, and especially when he gave me his stupidly gorgeous smile. I even fumbled my jumps when he looked my way, I just felt really nervous around him. I didn't notice it for a while, but I've come to the conclusion that I loved the boy. I've been flirting with the boy here and there, but he was completely clueless. The day Viktor came and spoke to me about this game, that was the day when I was going to confess my undying feelings to Yuuri. The one and only day, where I actually had confidence in talking to him, and Viktor just came and ruined it all. But he'll pay, he'll pay by watching me with Yuuri, watching me finally having him to myself. I'll win this stupid game, just watch.






AYO . I just realized that I could've uploaded this story long ago. Considering it's just a small story of how Yurio feels and stuff xD
Anyways, I'm sorry if this is really bad ;n;; I just wanted to get something out for all of you!!
The suggestions are still continuing and will probably end in like 2 weeks. I have received lots of suggestions so far for this story and I really like all of your ideas. :)
I probably won't update anything because I have my finals coming up and I have to study and such. So I'll be focusing on that for a while. ;(
Thank you all for your support and votes, I luh you all ;-;; <3
Stay litty ~!

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