Chapter 7: Fight

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// Yurio's POV \\

As I continued to lay on the cold floor like a star fish and let my thoughts wonder, I began to hear shouting coming from Yuuri's room; one of the two voices sounding distinctly like... Chris..? Curiosity struck me over and made me get up to investigate. As I got closer to Yuuri's room, the shouting became clear and less muffled through the walls. Once Yuuri's room was visible, the door was wide open and not only a second later, Chris was thrown to the ground.
I ran the rest of the way to the older mans room and when I stepped through the door, Viktor looked like a mess. His hair wasn't in its rightful spot, he was panting like he just ran a marathon and his hands were in fists.
Chris on the other hand had a bloody nose and was using one hand to stop the bleeding and his other to pry himself up off the floor.
"What's going on?!" I yelled, bringing all the attention to myself. Chris looked at me then glared at Viktor who was already doing the same.
"This ass charged at me for no reason and gave me a bloody nose!" Chris exclaimed, pointing at Viktor then at his nose. Viktor scoffed then said, "For no reason? Tch, yeah."
I looked back and forth at the two men then something caught my eye, something sitting on a bed looking down, trying to avoid contact.
"Yuuri?" I said, worried.
Both Viktor and Chris looked at the Japanese man who was sitting on his bed looking down at his hands.
"Look what you did Viktor.." Chris whispered, slowly walking towards Yuuri.
But before Chris could go any further , Viktor grabbed Chris' arm preventing him from taking another step. Confused, I looked at Viktor then said. "Viktor what're you doing? Chris is just trying to he-" Viktor shouted suddenly, cutting me off and making everyone flinch. "NO. THIS ASSHOLE PRACTICALLY RAPED YUURI. HE. Is not going ANYWHERE near Yuuri."
Shocked at his words, I looked at Chris whether to believe what Viktor is saying.
"Chris?" I said, sounding a bit defensive. "Is that true?"
Chris pulled his arm from Viktor then turned around to face me.
"I didn't rape him." Chris said, sounding annoyed. "We did have sex, but we both wanted it."
My eyes widened then I looked at Yuuri who was now holding his head in his hands, shaking his head.
Again, Viktor scoffed. "Yuuri didn't want it. You bribed him for it."

// Yuuri's POV \\

I didn't know what was happening. First Viktor was creeping towards Chris then Chris had a bloody nose and was on the ground.
Am I in shock? I couldn't move, or... Is it that I just don't want to..?
I held my head in my hands and I tried to ignore the arguing that was going on. I didn't want this. I don't want this.
Before I knew it, Yurio was in my room, asking what was going in. Everything went silent and I heard someone call my name then I felt eyes on me.
Chris must've tried to approach me because Viktor was soon screaming that he couldn't be any where near me.
"He practically raped Yuuri!"
Once those words were heard by my ears, I shook my head, trying to make it stop.
I heard a smack. Next something heavy hitting the floor. Looking up slightly, Viktor and Chris were on the floor, fighting .
"Please stop.." I whispered.
I felt arms around me, and I looked over to see who it was and I met a pair of blue eyes. Yurio's eyes. (His eyes are blue right? Idk)
Yurio must've gotten fed up with the older men rolling around on the floor because he got up and shouted "stop".
Instantly the two men looked up at Yurio shocked and gave each other one more shove before standing up.
"How old are you? 5? I understand this situation but you're scaring Yuuri, do this elsewhere."
Thankful for Yurio, I leaned more into him and closed my eyes.
I don't really remember anything else that happened because I woke up with covers up to my chin and my room was how it was before the event happened.
I put my glasses on and walked down the stairs to see Yurio shouting at Viktor because Viktor stole one of his shrimps. They noticed my presence and Viktor immediately got up and hugged my tightly, Yurio joining in.
"U-Um.. S-So, where's Chris..?" I asked nervously.
Viktor and Yurio pulled back and looked at me.
"We dealt with him, nothing important." They both smiled at me then beckoned me to sit down and enjoy a meal. (They didn't kill him xD)
Well, at least everything and everyone seems normal.
We'll have to see what tomorrow brings us, will Chris return? Or will he stay away? But until then, I'm going to enjoy my Katsudon.
Oml......... That was edgy. 😳😳
I'm sorry !!!!!!!
I was in the writing mood and this is what happened. I have my regrets.
Hope you enjoyed.....?

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