Chapter 10: Realization

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// Yurio's POV \\

I ran to my room and plummeted onto my bed face first, smiling as Otabek's face ran through my thoughts. He was so gorgeous and so angelic.. Oh how I wished to see him again. Although he looked like an edgy teen, I found him shockingly attractive.

I rolled over onto my back and smiled like an idiot, covering my face with my arm as my thoughts took over. A light blush ran over my face and I noticed it becoming heated in my room. I sat up and fanned my face, hoping I'd get the blush under control. I sighed lightly and a shock of realization hit me like a truck. I instantly stopped my action and widened my eyes, remembering Otabek had written his number on the medicine box. The medicine box Yuuri had in this very moment.

I ran out of my room at the speed of light and into the family room where I met Yuuri and Viktor, both sitting on the floor. I scanned the room looking for the small white box, trying not to attract the men's attention.
"Oh Yurio, welcome back." Yuuri said, looking up at me with a small smile.
I gave the older a quick smile before continuing with the search.

I tried to casually walk around the room slowly, avoiding conversation with the others; keeping my eyes peeled.
Yuuri must've noticed my strange behaviour and had to ask.
"Uh, Yurio. What're you doing?"
"Oh uh- nothing!" I lied, fixing my posture and standing up straight, "just inspecting the area for... Bugs.. Yeah! Bugs! You know them pesky things, you wouldn't want them bothering you now would you? Gotta get rid of them.. Heh..."

Viktor and Yuuri looked at each other before looking back at me.
"I can assure you that there are no insects here Yurio," Viktor budged in.
"You can never be too sure." I replied, shaking my finger at him, "oh! Yuuri, have you taken your medicine yet?"
"Ah not yet-"
"Great! I mean... Not great.. Y-You should take it, before you get more ill." I suggested, regretting the stutter that escaped. "I can grab it for you! Where is it?" I said quickly and impatiently.
"Oh Viktor has it." Yuuri said, nudging his head in Viktor's direction.

I looked at Viktor who's attention was on the T.V in front of him. I walked to him and sat on his right, I stole a glance at the distracted Russian and noticed the small case was in his left hand. I cursed at myself for choosing to sit here, knowing it would look weird if I were to randomly switch sides.

I cleared my throat and made it louder than necessary. But Viktor's attention was still locked on the screen. I brought my legs to my chest and purposely hit Viktor's arm with my knee, silently hoping he'll look at me. But again, no response. Then I coughed a couple times, glancing at Viktor in the process.
Finally he looked at me slowly and realized I was trying to get his attention.
"Yes?" He said uninterested.
"Um.. Uh- can I have the medicine?" I pointed at the white box in his hand, "I need- I mean Yuuri needs it."
"Oh right, I'm too into this k-drama and forgot I had it." Viktor replied, shrugging his shoulders and tossed me the box then returned his attention to the Korean show.

I thanked him, trying to keep my excitement bottled up and stood up. I flipped the case a couple times to find the digits and lit up when I saw the 7 numbers written in pen.
I opened the box and gave Yuuri the bottle of fluids, telling him how much to take. Once he understood I walked away and ran to my room when the older men didn't notice me taking my leave.

I let out a huge sigh of relief once I stepped foot into my room and walked to my desk, turning the lamp on which illuminated the dark room, and placed the box down. I went to grab my phone which was always in my pocket- wait- it's not there..? I furrowed my brows and checked the other pockets, but strangely it wasn't there either. I scavenged around my room looking vigorously for my phone but it was nowhere to be found.

Taking a venture back to the family room I asked Yuuri if he had seen my misplaced piece of technology but he said he hadn't. I didn't bother asking Viktor because I didn't want to interrupt him and he hasn't moved an inch since I was last here so I doubt he'd have it. Quickly taking one last look at the floor for my phone I walked back to my room and sat at my desk, sighing.

"Where could it be?" I thought to myself, ruffling my hair. "Aish... Maybe I accidentally dropped it on my way to the pharmacy.."
I stood up and walked to the front door, I slid my jacket on, along with my shoes and quickly and quietly exited through the doors; cautiously trying not to make a sound. I let out the breath I was holding and retraced my steps to the store.

// 20 minutes later \\

I groaned out in frustration when I stopped my search for the missing phone. It wasn't on the sidewalk nor in the pharmacy. I closed my eyes and leaned against the brick wall beside the alley where I had bumped into Otabek earlier, letting out a cool breath. I opened my eyes and kicked a rock before deciding to walk back.

On my peaceful walk back, a reminder hit me. The Grand Prix Finals... That was the due date with Viktor and our game and the finals were next week. I rubbed my face and sighed deeply, I haven't gotten that close to Yuuri as I wanted to.. Ahh, I'm going to lose this game...

I stopped in my tracks and realized something was off. I furrowed my brows once I realized I'm not as upset as I expected to be knowing the fact that I was going to lose to Viktor. Have my feelings for Yuuri.. Possibly changed..?
No- no, that's not possible. He's the only one who's able to make my heart flutter and make me blush. Right..?
Maybe I'm just overthinking it...

Ahhh, it's currently 4:00 AM as I write these words. I'm glad I was able to release a new chapter to you readers!
It's the longest chapter I've written so far, ahh that amazes meeee~
I apologize for any typos and errors, half of this story was written weeeeks ago and the other half I just wrote today (July 19))
I'll get the next chapter out as soon as I can!

You can follow me on Instagram at

Thanks for reading~ 💖💖

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