Chapter Thirty-Two; The Toys-R-Us Cashier

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-Miranda's POV-

I was at the mall with Luke babysitting him of course. Vivian's job of the secretary at my fathers office was really getting in the way of my social life. Not that I didn't mind watching Luke, he was a great kid. Must get it from his fathers side I suppose. We were in an art store that I've been holding off for the last week to get some new art supplies funded by my father of course. Luke had picked out a small easel and some finger paints for him as well, he said we could paint together and it sort if warmed my heart.

Right now I was making him hold some of my supplies, I told him I could hold some of it. But my father told me he's going through I'm-a-big-boy stage and insisted he could hold all of it and if not more. "Ready?" I asked him. He nodded as I watched him waddle in front of me to the cashier, lucky for Luke there was no one in line yet.

"$167.47" the cashier told me after ringing up all my shit together.

I looked down at Luke and his eyes were bluffing out of his head "Secret between the two of us." I told him putting my pointer finger over my mouth.

He nodded and asked if he could swipe my fathers credit card. I agreed and lifted him up as he attempted twice to swipe, the first upside down and the second wrong way. With the third swipe he had it down.

"Credit or debit?"

"Debit." I chirped putting down Luke firmly down on the ground. She bagged up all of our supplies in many plastic bags. 

I grabbed all of them in my two hands and thanked the cashier. Luke tugged on the bags on my left hand and I let go letting him grab two, one for each hand. 

"Lunch or toy store?" I asked Luke asking the stupidest kid to any child.

"Toy store!" He smiled lifting his hands half way up in the air, his arms sinking due to the heavy bags.

My father had told me if he was good he could pick something out, which he's been great. He's always good. Why can't all kids be like him, screw society. The toy store was at the other end of the mall, so I  told him we'll drive there after putting my bags in the back of the car. That's when he started walking faster out to the parking lot. 

It took five minutes to drive over and find a parking spot. He hopped out faster then I could shut the car off. He even got to my side of the car opening the door for me, suggesting I better hurry my ass up. 

"Thank you." I told him pinching his cheek. He scowled at me cause I knew he hated when people pinched his cheeks.

"Let's go!" He yelled all through the parking lot pulling at the ends of my tshirt. At this point I was just teasing him by walking even slower. 

"Hurry up." He groaned. I stopped in my tracks and he stopped as well telling me to move it. I looked at him for a couple of seconds before grabbing him and putting him on my back running into the store.

You could hear him laugh from a mile away. "What way?" I asked him as we ran through the automatic doors of Toys-R-Us. He pointed to the left where all the boy toys were. I ran, having older adults look at me funny. 

When we got to the aisle he suggested it only took him a minute to pick out his toy. He had grabbed a train set with a remote controlled train.  "Nice choice." I praised him. We walked to the checkout line and there was two registers open out of twelve. The lines were both filled up to the back of the store it seemed like.

"I can take you over here." Someone shouted out to me. Luke pointed out to cash register seven who's lights just turned on. I smiled and walked over holding the train set in my hands and Luke on my back. I put the box on the  counter thing watching it roll up to the cashier. 

I looked up about to swipe the credit card when I noticed the cashier had many tattoos and piercings. One on his arm, something written in Chinese, reminds me of the one Harry has on his back, and Zayn on his shoulder. I looked up at his name tag to see it read; Louis. It sounded awfully familiar.

"Excuse me?" I asked

"Credit or debit?" He asked ignoring me, how did he get a job here. A kids store with that many tattoos.


"That's what my name tag reads." He scoffed being a total ass, just the way I remember meeting Harry. If there was one way to get his attention, it was to call out the one thing we had in common.

I didn't need to announce it out loud though. "Credit." I had an idea. When he handed me the receipt I grabbed the pen and wrote out; Harry Styles. Along with my number to contact me.

"Have a nice day," I smiled picking up Luke and putting him on my hip.

"You too." He murmured under his breath, low enough for only him and I to hear but loud enough for me to understand what he was saying.

I started to walk out the store when I heard that jack ass call out for me. "Ma'me!" Now that just pissed me off when people called me that, I'm only 17. I'm not a fucking senior citizen. 

I turned back to see it was Louis chasing after me. I stopped in my tracks right at the trunk of the car. I opened the car to put the train in the back setting it down next to my art supplies.

"Can I help you?" I asked, with the tone he gave me.

"How do you know Harry?" He asked showing me the receipt.

"I was gonna ask you the same question before you came out like an ass hole."

"Answer the damn question." He muttered sounding a bit annoyed but not as much as I was with him.

"My name is Miranda." His eyes widen and then his scowl turned into a grin.

"Harry's girl eh?" He brought his finger to his lips looking up and down my body I could feel his eyes traveling my body, checking me out.

"Not his girl." I bluntly said.


"How do you know him?" I asked

"Long story shirt, jail."

"He seems to make a lot of his friends there." I snickered remembering that Harry had also met Zayn in jail as well. I wonder how many other friends he has.

"Look, is there a way we can talk. I get off for my lunch break in twenty minutes." Luke was standing by my side and I scurried him off telling him to jump in the car and get buckled up.

"Alright. Luke and I were about to grab lunch anyway. Meet us at Vinnie's." I told him. Vinnie's is a restaurant with just basically any food you could think of, great place too. Has an indoor play ground for kids, and that's exactly where Luke would be when Louis and I would talk. 

Louis agreed and ran back into the store before his boss would fire him for leaving his post, with no one guarding the register. 

I hopped into the car and I looked back into the review mirror to see Luke staring at me. "Who was that?"

"A friend of a friend."

"You said Harry. Is he a friend of Harry?" I nodded, he was a smart boy for his age and there was nothing that could get passed him. 

"Where is Harry? Is he still in trouble?"

"I wish I knew Luke, and yeah he is. But it's not his fault." He nodded and stopped asking questions. 

We drove around the mall for a few minutes before deciding we should probably go to Vinnie's and reserve a table, since the place is usually packed by the time we get there. We arrived at the place and Luke ran out of the car and into the restaurant before i could open my door, he's always loved this place for who knows why. 

I walked in after to see Luke sitting on a bench with one of those buzzer things to let you know when your table is ready. "I got a table for three." He said holding up three fingers. I smiled and grabbed the buzzer from his hand while taking a seat next to him on the bench. I ruffled his hair and he didn't seem to like it much.

A few minutes later I heard the bells jingle, I looked at the front door to see Louis walking in scratching behind his ear. He looked over at me and waved as we walked over. I stood up and greeted him and that's when the buzzer went off. I made my way up to the front desk and gave them the buzzer. A waiter then came grabbing a kids menu, and two adult menu's. We followed him to the back where there was a booth set up. I took a side sitting beside Luke as Louis took the seat across from me. 

"So is he your brother or something?" Louis asked while looking through the menu.

"Step-brother actually." Luke corrected him, which got a huge grin on my face. 1 for Luke, 0 for Louis. 

"My bad." Louis surrendered putting his hands up in the air in defeat.

Once we had ordered I told Luke he could go play in the ball pit, even though it's probably infested with germs. Yet I had to talk to Louis without little ears hearing what we were talking about. It was silent for a moment after Luke left until Louis started to talk.

"I want to apologize for earlier, If I had known you were Harry's girl. I would have never talked to you like that,"

"It's fine, yet you should be nice to everyone no matter who they are."

"I don't like socializing." He admitted

"Then why do you work at Toys-R-Us? It does involve socializing with people you know."

"Needed the money."

"For what may I ask?" I took a sip of my cola that I had ordered with an eyebrow raised.

"My mother is sick, and she can't seem to pay the bills by herself. My jackass step-father divorced her when he found out she had cancer." I felt terrible, and then I thought to my mother. I wonder how she is right now, if she's doing alright. I'll call her later tonight to make sure she's doing okay. I need to hear the sound of her voice again.

"Oh I'm sorry-"

"I don't need the sympathy."

"No, cause I know what it feels like. My mother has cancer as well." It was kind of nice to have someone to relate too. 

"Oh I'm sorry-" He said

"I don't need the sympathy," I replied saying the same exact words that he said to me. He laughed a bit, and he had a great smile. Reminded me a lot of Harry's smile that you don't seem to see a lot. "You've seen Harry haven't you?"

"Yeah everyday for the past week, why?"

"No reason. When you see him, can you tell him I said hi."

"You want to say more then that don't you?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"Of course, but I have a lot to say and-"

"Grab a pen." He said, I dug through my purse and found a pen. He grabbed a napkin from the napkin holder at the end of the table in the silver dispenser. He handed it to me "-write it down." and that's exactly what I did.

-Harry's POV-

"It was a pistol." I told Zayn, we were going over the details of that night. And so far we found very little of me remembering what had happened that night. It was all a blur really, I wasn't sober that's for sure, but I wasn't totally drunk either. 

I ran my fingers through my curls, feeling my hair I could tell that I needed a shower, bad. I had sent Perrie out only a little bit then an hour ago to go under cover, and I was wondering how it was going so far. Zayn hadn't liked the idea of his girlfriend risking it out on the field of where we are. He didn't like the thought of his girlfriend gone without him. 

I felt the same about Miranda as well. I wanted to be out there with her, but I couldn't. Cause Harry likes to make enemies in jail that know how to get revenge. A minute later someone busted through the door. It was Louis, one of our top investigators, getting the leads outside this house.  "Hello losers."

"Hey mate." I said.

"I met your girlfriend today." He smiled.



"She's not my girlfriend." 

"Whatever, anyway she wanted me to give you this." He handed me a napkin I looked down and recognized her neat hand writing unlike mine. All her I's were dotted, and her T's crossed. My hand ran over the indented letters written in black ink.

Dear Harry,

        I've read the letter you gave me over and over, at least a hundred times. I can't seem to get over you though, I think about you all the time and I have no idea why. The entire time I was with you, you caused me pain not physically but emotionally too. I still wonder what it would be like if you hadn't had Perrie dump me outside my house. What would we be right now? The same as before, I know what it feels like to be lead on where in reality it goes no where, and I'm the only one getting hurt in the end. I also want you to know you don't have to worry about the "blonde" he does have a name you know, Niall. He's son of the cop on your case, and I know what you're thinking. "Great she's gonna tell him everything, and then he's gonna tell his dad and now I'm screwed for life." but I haven't told him anything. I've only asked if he knew anything on your case that could help you out in the end. He's an old friend of mine and nothing more. And it's nice to know you checked up on me. After what you did, I tried to get rid of all the memories of the month of May, I wanted them all gone, not to remember a single thing. About you, the exercises, Perrie, Zayn really every thing. But the more I thought about it the more I wanted it back, I wanted you back. I miss you Harry and I don't know why I'm still falling for the idiot who didn't even say goodbye. But maybe it's a good thing really? I don't know, just be safe.

Sincerely, Miranda

Ready or not Miranda, here I come.


A|N: Wow another chapter with in, seventeen hours. I'm on a roll. So my school made us go to school today, even though it's a fricken blizzard outside. And then they let us out early, whoo. So I just got home, and I'll probably won't go tomorrow, so expect another update!

Question of the chapter; Isn't Luke just the cutest thing?

Please if you will; 

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