Chapter Twelve; There are Artist and There are Harry's

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-Miranda's POV-

Harry's screaming at night had only gotten worse with every night we've been staying here. Some nights it's either he wakes up multiple times screaming, or just even louder then the night before. I haven't been getting any sleep lately, but I have all the time in the world during the day to sleep. I would go up and check on him but I feel that would only make things worse between the two of us. I wasn't even aloud up stairs anymore after yesterday. He tried to apologize again to me yesterday but I wouldn't here it, it was only just gonna happen again.

I would just only have to try to avoid him as long as I'm here, which will be quite hard since there is no where for either of us to go but to stay in the house. This morning he had knocked on my door only twice, it was unlocked so he could've come right in, but he didn't. About twenty minutes later I had walked over to the door to see if he was waiting outside my door. I had looked down at the ground to see a new sketch pad, pencils, color pastels and a bunch of other stuff I hadn't even asked for. Was this his way to make up for yesterday?

I picked up the stuff and shut the door behind me, still unlocked. I walked over to the desk in the corner of the room and plopped everything down on it, sorting it out. I flipped up the newly fresh sketch book, and opened up the box of black pencils. Who ever had gotten these, really know what to get. This was a bunch of stuff I couldn't afford in years with my job at the Gap back at home. I put my feet up on the desk and started to let my hand and pencil roam the page. I was making swirls up on the top of the page, unaware of what or who I was drawing. My hand came down making a face shape, eyes were being drawn. When I was done, I took a good look at what I had drawn, and what I saw was the monster that stayed in this house with me; Harry.

I ripped the page out of the book and put it in the drawer in the desk. Another knock on my door, I didn't answer again. Instead this time he just walked in with his hands stuffed deep into his jeans front pockets. "Hey." He said calmly staying at the thresh hold of the door.

"Come to yell at me again?" I asked, he frowned and shook his head no.

"Look Miranda I'm sorry about last night. I have no clue what came over me." I chuckled and took my feet off the desk placing them firmly on the ground. I nodded my head no looking like I was crazy.

"The funny thing Harry is, you do know what came over you. Yet you just let it happen."

"I'm sorry, I really am."

"You say a lot of things Harry." I saw his hands getting clenched up again just like they always do before he flashes out on me. 

"Damn it Miranda, let me explain myself." He took in a deep breath trying to restrain himself from acting out and getting mad. I could see he was trying to control his anger. I put down the sketch pad down on the desk and sat back in my set getting ready for the bullshit he was about to tell me.

"I've gone through a lot more then a normal person should. I've made a lot of mistakes, and all of these things add up to why I act up the way I do." He said, letting his breath out. I could see he was really trying to tell me what was going on, and I was a bit shocked actually.

I smiled and nodded. "Alright, you gonna tell me what you've gone through?" he smirked knowing that he finally saw a smile on my face through this entire conversation. Then he shook his head no. "No, I can't."

"Maybe later then?" I asked, just like he had asked me yesterday when I denied him, to show him my art work.

"Sure."  He smiled again.

"Thank you Harry." I said as he started walking towards the bed.

"For the sketch pads, no problem."

I chuckled and nodded no again, "Yes for that too, but for telling me the truth."

He fell back on my bed so he was starring at the ceiling fan. I just watched him lay there, silently. I looked up and down his arms starring at all his tattoos and piercings he had on his body. I thought back to the other night when he had kissed me, the way his lip piercing almost got on my lips as well. Which got me thinking again, what was up with that? One minute he'll kiss me and make all these perverted remarks and then the next he seems like he can't stand the sight of me.

"Harry?" I asked. He looked over at me straining his neck.


"The kiss the other night, and when you tried to kiss me the night before the wedding, what was that?" I asked curiosity filling my voice. 

"Sometimes a guy, has to do what he has to do."

"Oh." I said softly, what the fuck was that suppose to mean? I mean he just left me hanging there with nothing to go fourth on. What was I to expect anyway, he's a pervert he was probably only trying to get into my pants for the night.

"Since we're gonna be here a while, we might as well get to know each other." He said sitting up on my bed.


"How long have you been drawing for?"

"Since I was six. How long have you been singing for?" I asked, then realizing I probably had just crossed the line. "-I'm sorry, I can ask another question."

"No it's fine, um since I was six, around the same time." I was a little bit to happy to know that he was opening up a little bit more then he was before. He was trying at this point and that's all that really mattered. He went back and fourth asking questions about each other and I was learning more about Harry then I knew about myself.

Most of the questions were just simple like our favorite colors, animals etc. We had moved closer together so we were both on the bed laying next to each other. It was nice and peaceful, but every once in a while I would notice him starring at me.

"Favorite band?" He asked me.

"All-American Rejects."


"Yeah you surprised?"

"Yeah you just don't seem like-"

'The type to like those bands cause I'm a girl."

"No..." He started to say and then I starred him down knowing that was the truth of why he was so surprised of why I liked that band. "Alright yes, I didn't think many girls like those kinds of bands, at least not girls like you?"

"Girls like me?"

"Ya girls... I'm gonna shut up now before I start digging myself a hole."

"Good choice." I laughed at his remark. 

We continued to talk until there was a knock at the front door. I started to shake cause I thought it might be the police or someone of that sorts, but they would've identified themselves by now. Harry got up like it was no big deal and walked to the front door as I followed behind him. He told me to stay back as he grabbed a gun in the umbrella barrel next to the door.

"Who's there?" He asked.

"Zayn." Someone called out who is referring to himself as Zayn. Harry let out a huge breath and put the gun back as he opened the door. I stayed back like he had told me too. "Mate, you should've texted me you were coming." Harry said. I looked at the man who stood at the door, he had maybe as many or more tattoos then Harry did at his arms, and neck.

"Sorry, I forgot it at home."

Harry let Zayn through and he stopped in the middle of his tracks. "Is this the girl?" Zayn said referring to me.

"Yeah, Zayn this is Miranda, Miranda, Zayn." I waved.

"You really know how to pick a girl to take with you when you're getting framed, don't cha?" Harry slapped Zayn at the back of the head and I giggled through my teeth.

They both took a seat in the living room and I sat across from them in the recliner. "You're an artist, Harry tells me?" Zayn asked. I jerked my head towards him since I couldn't help but stare at Harry. 

"Yeah, well an attempted artist."

"There are no attempted artist, there are artist and then there are the least talented which is also known as Harry." Harry frowned and slapped Zayn in the stomach. "-I'm an artist myself. Maybe we can swap work one day." I nodded in agreement.

I could tell the way Zayn and Harry interacted with each other that they were pretty close. Like they've been brothers all these years the way the physically and brutally hurt each other. I just listened on to their conversation, not that I understood much of it but I tried to comprehend it. "Anything new?"

"No, I've had Louis looking for him but he's no where to be seen. Like he fell off the place of the planet." I assumed they were talking about the person who had framed Harry.

"Alright, contact them. I want them here tomorrow morning." Them? He had more then two people helping him out. Zayn agreed and they went on to talking. I kind of muted out of it and turned on the T.V to see my face once again on the news channel. Now there was an award of a quarter of a million dollars for my where a bouts. They were going all out on finding me.

I shut the T.V. knowing I was only going to feel worse by watching more. I flipped it to the reruns of FRIENDS since it was already eight o'clock. I had fallen asleep during the third episode into Nick@Nite. I felt Harry's arms pick me up and bring me into the bedroom setting me down gently.

"Good night Miranda, you'll be home soon. Hopefully." I heard him whisper before shutting the door.


A|N: Hello my friends. Alright so I know it seems like the plot is all over the place and that it's mostly fillers of them at the house but it will all work up soon. I have a big scene coming in soon.

I'm still waiting for people to comment to enter for the character entry. Rules and guidelines are at the end of chapter ten for more information. I've had no comments, so I'm going to wait for a couple more chapters, and if there's no comments I'll just cancel it all together. 

Please if you would;


Thank you!

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