Chapter Fourty-Two; Dreams and Flashbacks

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A|N: Sorry short chapter tonight!

-Harry's POV-

I slowly walked down stairs hearing the cries of name being shouted at the bottom of the stairs. I expected to see my mother and my sister Gemma sitting on the two kitchen chairs in the middle of the room. Tied with rope, and their mouths covered with a bandanna to muffle the sounds of their voices but not low enough for me not to hear them call for me. Yet this time there was only one person sitting there. 

I swear the longer I care for someone the only more of a reason for them to get hurt. She looked at me with her big deep brown eyes, deep down into my soul begging for me to help her. I was frozen, stuck at the last step of the stairs. I looked at her as she looked back at me. I wanted to save her but the same guy in the black hoodie hovered over her with the gun pointed at her head. 

"Miranda?" I called out, but no one could hear me. No one could ever hear me. I was voiceless, I had no voice in this terrible, twisted messed up dream. 

The person above didn't look up at me, our eyes have never met, in none of my dreams, nor in real life in that exact night. Instead their finger was over the trigger and right before they were about to look up at me to find out who it was.


She was gone.

"Miranda!" I yelled

-Dream over-

"Miranda!" I kept yelling tossing in turning in the small queen bed. I felt my temperature sky rocket, as I could feel the sweat from my forehead drip down. 

My eyes flew open as I felt my hands around the bed, feeling nothing but an empty side of the bed. My hands gripping a fist full of silky sheets. The lights were off and the door was wide open. I assumed she must have gone to the bathroom, as the bedroom door was open as long as the hallway light. 

I slowly got out of the bed wearing nothing but my boxers. I walked out of the room and down the hallway, walking to the bathroom. The bathroom light was on as what I could see at the bottom crack of the door. "Miranda?" I knocked on the door, and there was no answer. I called out for her name again, still nothing.

At the point I had opened the door wide open, it wasn't Miranda.

"Michael?" I asked, there was no answer.

I looked at him, he looked the exact same as I remembered him about ten years ago before he left the house. I wasn't part of this dream this time, I was a spectator.

I watched the eight year old Harry walk into the bathroom wearing his pajamas. Shocked to see what his brother Michael was doing in the bathroom.

"Michael, what are you doing?" I asked, well what I had asked over ten years ago.

Michael turned his head to find me in the door way as he was about to snort cocaine. He dumped it into his hands and into his pocket trying to do his best to hide it from me.

"Nothing. Now get out!" He yelled at me pushing me out of the bathroom. I waited outside of the door for a minute waiting for Michael to walk out. I watched little me sitting out side the bathroom door sitting criss-cross. 

A couple minutes later Micheal walked out of the bathroom to find me sitting on the ground. "Harry, what did you see?" 

"You were snorting something up your nose."

"If you tell mum or dad, I will kill you."

I nodded.

"You hear me? Tell and you're dead."

-Flashback over-

"Harry?" Someone was shaking me, a familiar voice calling out my name. My eyes flew open to recognize a face. It was Miranda still shaking me until I started to blink my eyes.

"You alright?" She asked me. I nodded a grabbed her pulling her closer to my body.

"I left for a couple minutes to go to the bathroom to hear you calling out my name." I didn't answer, I didn't want her knowing what I had dreamed of. I don't want to keep secrets from her, but just telling her will add more to the problem and I just don't have the blood pressure for that.

My hands wrapped around her waist. She turned her head towards me and kissed my forehead. My hand crept up to her head as my fingers threaded through her hair. I started patting her brown silky hair just trying to catch my breath from a terrible nightmare.

I fell back asleep to the sound of her her heart beat.

A|N: Sorry for the short chapter, usually I wouldn't let myself write less then five pages per chapter but there's only so much I could put into this chapter. Thank you all for 1430<3 You guys are literally the best. Please keep commenting, I love it when people comment and tell me they love this story. Let's me know I should keep going!

Hopefully another chapter later in the week.


Question of the chapter; Who do you think was in the black hoodie in his dream?

Please if you will;

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