My Friend with Benefits Stole My Heart - Chapter 6

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I looked down at my uniform in disgrace.

''I'll have a Big Mac and a chocolate shake,'' the overweight customer ordered snapping me out of my self-pitying trance.

''Uh, that'll be $10.25."

He handed me the money and in-return I handed him his receipt.

Now, you're probably wondering how, when and huh? Trust me I've asked myself the same questions.

"Hemsdale go home!"my supervisor called.

I sighed in relief of not having to breathe grease for another second and time to think.

Anyways, as I've said before, you're probably still wondering how. Well it's your lucky day because I feel like regurgitating my awesome life. Note my very dry sarcasm. And to do this successfully I have to relive last night. Just the thought sent unwanted shivers up my spine.

I stood stiff as board as the cool wind galloped pass the unknown male and I. Goosebumps spread across my skin as his warm hands grasped my shoulder roughly. I swallowed hard.

''Do I have to repeat myself?''

He jerked my shoulder sending me 180 degrees to face him. My eyes widened and my mouth gaped open. I've only thought angels could look pure and have a heavenly glow but he proved me wrong. His dark hair was nestled under a black beanie almost falling off his head, his skin so pure and pale I couldn't tell where his white shirt started, but what stood out was his bloodshot eyes that seemed lifeless. His eyes reminder me of the sea after a storm.

Sweet baby Jesus, he's a cutie.


His eyes dangerously became angry making me let out a girlish squeal.

''I'll go,'' I mumbled in response.

His grip loosened and I began my lonely walk home. His once warm presence on my shoulder vanished. Turning, I heard, ''I hope we meet again on better circumstances.''

Yea me too. He was not only cute but a tortured angel. Who said dark mystery wasn't beautiful in its own twisted way?

I pulled myself up and over my cracked window not caring if I left the carpet damp. A fog began to creep around the edges of my thoughts. A pair bloodshot eyes and feather-like hair dominated my mind.

Who was that?

And more importantly why wasn't I freaking out like I normally would?


I groaned feeling suffocated under my sheets. I stretched and walked over to my window poking it rather harshly. I wish it was tinted. The bathroom is calling my name and no one can resist that sweet  call of her's. From my wardrobe I grabbed a black tank top, white shorts and beanie.

Yes, the boy has made an impact on my life sue me. No not really, don't sue me.

After a 30 minute shower and an added 10 to dry my voluptuous hair I stood in my door frame. A bulb lit up above the crown of my head as a great idea grew. Jump for it! I landed on my bed with a huge thud smacking the wind out my lungs.

It would be fun my mind said, I would be awesome it said. Not. Hmm, thinking back the bulb was dull...

Suddenly a mini earthquake started, my nightstand being the epicentre. Woah! I swiftly glided my hand across the surface until feeling cool metal under my fingertips. I grimaced at the Caller ID.

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