My Friend with Benefits Stole My Heart - Chapter 20

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who has read this far

Dedicated to anyone who has actually read this far.

The dark night was illuminated by the city's lights and stars as we lie on top of the hood of Charlie's car. Daniel and I were texting back and forth the entire time and I could've sworn I saw the corner of Charlie's mouth twitch, but I boiled it down to me being self destructive.

Maybe I was just looking for a way to break us up.

I honestly wanted to listen to him so I finally told Daniel my situation and he backed of immediately.

Sweet guy.

Too bad he was disturbing Charlie and I's alone time.

We were parked on the city's limits just staring up aimlessly when without my permission my mouth started to spew information.

"This is really cute of you Charlie. Us just gazing into a void yet it isn't."

I'm cryptic when I'm touched plus I'm an artist. Bite me.

"Neither Axel nor Daniel have-"

"I'd rather not hear about them."

I was going to say neither Axel nor Daniel have had ever done some many things for me and essentially I was about to pour my heart out to him. Then it crossed my mind.

"You're jealous,"I stated, not questioned.

"Terribly. "

"Why? "

"Maybe I should just drive you home,"Charlie said in a soft broken voice.

"You're not staying over?"

Excruciating pain was a symptom of heartbreak and I don't think I had the willpower to drag myself through all that.

"We need some time."

"Apart,"I finished for him getting off the hood and jumping down unto the earth.

Silence was my partner in that moment. It wasn't welcoming in the slightest. People always stated that 'the silence was deafening' and I'd think they were being cliché, but in the void I'd have to agree. The silence was louder than any argument I've ever witnessed and it said so much more than well communicated conversations.

This silence said it all.

Charlie was breaking up with me?

With a red face, I trudged to the car door, opened it and slammed it with all my strength. To be honest, it really hurt, but not as much as Charlie had hurt me. Without words he had hurt me the most I've ever been.

I kept my eyes focused in my lap as Charlie got off the hood as well and entered his car. The tension was about to suffocate me if I didn't get out of the metal can soon.

The drive home was god awful. The churning in my stomach didn't help. It was like my world was tilted unevenly on it's axis. As the houses flashed pass us, I wondered if I'd ever be happy and have a family like these people who had settled down with their significant other.

I didn't want to die alone with fifty cats!

When he pulled up outside my house I looked in his direction pleadingly.

He needed to feel my pain.

Didn't it show? Don't I look devastated!?! Telepathy was not my strong point as it was clearly shown when he just got out. Following his lead I couldn't help but feel more pain well up inside.

He didn't open my door for me.

Such a simple gesture that made my heart soar was now being taken away, making my heart plummet towards Earth.

I came around and met him. This couldn't be happening! It couldn't.

A tightening in my chest made me aware that phase one of heartbreak was already in effect.

"Charlie, are you serious? "

And then he sagged. His shoulders seemed to almost hide him.

"Do you really want to be with me?"

He was being very blunt. I wasn't used to this side of him.

"Yes. With every fibre of my being! You should know. I've done nothing but show you how much I care for you and you do this to me? You can't just move from 'incredibly happy' to 'this isn't going to work out'. Please tell me you're joking."

"But I'm not convinced. Prove it to me."

Hadn't I told him I love him? Oops! Goddamit. He had fallen asleep when I'd said it. Charlie was now looking at his shoes with his head bowed.


He didn't look up.

"Fine. Don't look at me, but I wanted to look into your eyes when I told you this. I've never had as much fun with someone like I do with you. Nope, never. I've never given anyone a nickname but you. Nope, never. I've never hugged anyone as tight as I hug you. Nope, never."

He began to lift his head with hope in his once sullen eyes.

"I've never swooned over anyone like I do when I see you. Nope never. "

Charlie was now doing the 'nope never's' with me.

"And lastly, Charlie. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you."

"Nope, never?"

"Nope, never. "

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