My Friend with Benefits Stole My Heart - Chapter 19

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The sun's rays were peeking throuh the tree's leaves providing us with shade. Charlie sat dangling his feet over the treehouse's edge and I followed, enjoying the view of the neighbourhood. His warm hands slips over mine, our fingers soon interlocked. I sigh contented.

"You're the third girl I've had up here."

With a gasp I smacked his shoulder. Way to make a girl feel special.

A slight irritation began to brew in the pit of my stomach and the ugly monster, jealousy, was about to show his ugly head when he said,"The first two were my mom and sister!"

"Don't do that to me!"I laugh with relief.

The serious insomnia that would've kept me up that night would have drove me to my breaking point.

"Let's go back inside. I want to show you something."

Not questioning, I get my lazy ass up and follow him back inside.

The tree house wasn't humongous but it wasn't tiny. It was about the perfect size for you to walk comfortably upright. Charlie had shared with me earlier that his father had built this tree house for his eighth birthday.

Mom wasn't kidding when she said Charlie's father was devoted.

While in my thoughts, Charmander retrieved a ratty looking book with dust covering it. 

"When I was younger my friends and I would come up here and rate girls. We each had our own list and we could have any amount we wanted."

Here was this jealousy thing again.

"Funny thing is, I had only found one girl in my grade cute, but I had put her at number two. The slot for number one was empty up until this day."


"Because I waiting for someone. Even when I was young I was critical and didn't feel like a girl had made me feel like the way I guessed I was supposed to."

"And how were you supposed to feel?"

"Like maybe if I didn't get to see her tomorrow I'd be overwhelmed by darkness and indescribable pain and that is why today, Lucy, you will be written as my number one girl."

I'd never been this touched by any gesture by any person in my entire life.

Charlie then opened his book and above a girl's name written in horrible cursive my name was written above. I was so enthralled I didn't even registered the other girl's name. My undivided attention was focused solely on Charlie who was now taking out a box out of his jeans pocket.

On his knees I could see the raw emotions in his eyes. His sweet innocence, fear of rejection and adoration. 

"You're not proposing to me are you? If so I'll have to divorce my bed and fridge,"I joked.

Charlie cracked a smile as the tension eased.

"Sadly, milady, I hadn't thought of proposing to you but prepare yourself because the next time you never know."

Charlie then opened the box and it was matching charm bracelets.

"Will you do me the absolute honour of being my girlfriend?"

"Yes. I'd love to."

I grinned from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat as he placed the bracelet around my wrist. It was golden with a small heart that reflect the light making it light up the slightly dark room with its red hues. Other charms were there like a four leaved clover and many more. Right now nothing could draw my attention from the heart that symbolized love.

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