Chapter 4 eating soup

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The next time Harry awoke his curtains were closed and it had to be about mid afternoon the next day. He had already missed two classes this morning and his teachers are going to be ferrous with him if doesn't show up. He was just about to get out of bed when his bedroom door opened and his father stepped into his room. With a tray of tomato soup and oyster crackers. And a glass of juice.

Where do you think your going young man? Severus asked his son as he sat the tray down on harrys propped up knees. While stacking up harrys pillows behind him so that he was sitting up more comfortably. I was getting ready to go to class. I have already missed two this morning. Harry said while eyeing the tray wearily. Eating was the last thing he wanted to do right now. Severus pulled out harrys desk chair then sat down in it.

Facing his son. Then he leaned over to brush some of Harrys hair off his eyes. Then cleared his throat and countued. "Harry you are sick and in no condition to go to class. What if you made your friends sick. Or you had a dizzy spell on the stairs. Heaven forbid you could be wound up in the hospital wing with a cracked skull. I guess I never thought of that. Harry said as looked down at his hands while his father brushed his hair softy..

How I have already talked to with your head of house and professor Dumbledore and told them that you have come down ill and they both have agreed with me that you need to stay down here in bed and rest and get well again. "Now stop avoiding, Harry and eat your soup." Harry paled, but slowly raised the spoon to his mouth. He gulped it down quickly burning his throat on it's way down. After a few spoonfuls, he dropped the spoon to the side of the tray, feeling to ill to continue. Severus frowned, Is the nausea back?

Yes Harry croaked miserably. "I don't think I can eat anymore." "Try."
"Harry you need nourishment or you will be unwell for longer, three more spoonfuls." Harry turned his eyes to the tomato soup and gulped. His mouth watering but, not in hunger. Harry dipped his spoon into the pool of red again. One bite. Another bite. Harry swallowed three times before he went for the third spoonful. But as he did so, he jostled the bowl a little and the soup sloshed against the sides. It started the bowl with little red lumps of tomato he hadn't noticed before. His stomach sloshed in motion with the soup and Harry knew he had only seconds before he was sick.

Harry potter sick with a really bad stomach fluWhere stories live. Discover now