Chapter 5 sick again

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Severus snapped his eyes to Harrys own, having recognized the particular distress in the boys tone. Severus immediately removed the dinner tray and Harry bulted out of bed by pushing by severus and tripping over his own two feet. with a hand pressing into his stomach and the other over his mouth. He was retching as soon as he stepped out into the hallway and just barely made it to the toilet in time.

The vomit was rocketing up his throat and pouring through harrys open mouth into the prestine water of the toilet. It was vile and looked ominous like blood from the soup he had just eaten. Profoundly distributed, Harry slammed his eyes closed as another heave took over him. Warm hands snaked around him and rubbed his back soothingly and although his stomach was not yet empty, Harry proceeded to dry vomit. Words of comfort were said to him, but Harry couldn't hear them over the pounding in his ears. He fumbled for the toilet handle to flush away the bloody looking crime scene when someone did it for him.

Once he heard the water go down, Harry opened his eyes. Spots danced in his mission as his eyes readjusted to the bright lights of the bathroom. He didn't know how much time had passed when he felt a fluffy soft fleece robe pull around his shaking shoulders. Severus's fingers grasped his bieceps gently, intending to help Harry back to his room. When Harry feeble protested.
"Stop"." He batted the hands away with just a little more force then intended. Severus just frowned but did not make any move to grab him again.

Harry looked at him guilty. "Sss-sorry ." I still feel-" He then turned back to face the toilet and lean over the bowl and started to dry retch a few times before he tried to speak again. Severus stopped him. " An apology. Is unnecessary. Please do not try to speak son you'll make it worse." Harry nodded, more than willing to acquisce to that request. Then came the waiting game. Sitting on the cold hard floor. Until Harry vomited or until he felt it was safe to move. But after fifteen minutes, they were still waiting. And Harry was miserable. His stomach was rolling and acing something awful.

Severus can't you give me a stomach soother? Harry moaned. " I'm afraid not, Harry. Your body needs to get rid of what's ailing it. If I gave you a potion you might feel a bit better, but you would be delaying the inevitable and consequently do more harm in the long run. Harry groaned and held the edges of the toilet seat between sweaty hands. A wave of nausea passed over him but, yet nothing came up. He knew that if could just sick up, that it would not be so torturous. Severus was rubbing his back again and Harry felt tears of frustration and misery pricking his eyes.

He dimly recalled some girls in primary school sticking their fingers down there throats after lunch. He wondered if it would work with him, but he didn't dare try it with his father right there. "An emetic then? Harry asked in desperation His father shot that idea down very quickly. And lectured Harry on how dangerous they were. Unfortunately for Severus Harry tuned him out. "This is agony." Harry groaned " If this goes on much longer, I think I'll pass out. "His tone was joking, but Severus knew his son was serious. "Your light headed? He asked sharply.

Harry didn't answer because another wave of nausea took over him. Like back. " Severus instructed after a moment then he helped Harry lay down gently into his lap. Then Severus gently brushed away Harry's bangs off his forehead and gently felt his forehead again. While Harry laid down very quiet and stayed very still for a few moment while holding onto the edge of his father's robe tightly. And listening to the soft sounds of Severus voice speaking to him. Until the urge to vomit forced him to sit up. Severus helped Harry sit up then quickly hang his head over the toilet bowl. Harry's eyes grew wet with tears.

"I know it hurts, Harry. But know that you're not alone. I'm here with you." After nearly half an hour or the floor, Harry finally realised the remaining stomach contents into the toilet. It started with just dry heaves. At first, but then on the third heave Harry finally succeeded. After ten minutes of forceful heaving, Harry sat back on his heels looking relived and utterly spent. Do you feel you are finished? Severus asked Do you still feel faint? Yes and yes I do. Harry said as he pushed the sweaty bangs to the side of his face, looking paler then ever." Back to bed then." Severus said as he wiped Harry's sweaty face down with a damp cloth and severus then associated Harry back to his room.

Harry potter sick with a really bad stomach fluWhere stories live. Discover now