Image 1 Part 4

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Image 1    Part 4

When I wake, there's an annoying beeping sound and a hospital smell. I open my eyes to find bright white walls, white sheets covering my ugly, mangled body, and all the Avengers surrounding my bed.

"Hey sweatheart, how ya' feeling?" Bruce asks softly.

I turn my head to the machine, then the other side to see Steve. Tears well up at the back of my eyes but I hold them back, "Better than being in that basement in HYDRA, that's for sure!" I force out.

Everyone but Steve smiles, his face stays glued into a serious face. My face falls and I look down to my chest, watching it rise and fall.

"Sheylyn, this is no time for jokes." Steve mutters, I could hear the hurt in his voice and with that I turn my head back to the machine.

"Steve, I know more than you do on this, so if I want to make humour to deal with the pain, let me. I know you are worried and scared for me but Steve, I was -still am terrified. I-I-" I burst into tears and sobbed into my hands. I hate how I'm so weak, how I broke not even within the first ten minutes of being up.

Steve sighs and rubs the back of his head, "Sheylyn, I love you, but you can't make humour your treatment. The world just doesn't work that way, hunny. We are all going to help you get through this. Trust us, trust me." He looks at me with guilt and sorrow.

I take a deep breath, "Steve, I'll ask you the same question I asked you two nights ago, and now I ask all of you: How can you love me? Even after this, after everything? I don't get it. How-just-how?" I ask, tears still streaming down my face.

Everyone is quite and I fear for the worst: 'that's the thing Sheylyn, we don't love you.'  I look up and see all their faces red and blotchy, tears caught in their eyes, and they all look like they want a hug. I suck in a harsh breath and look back down, preparing for the pain.

"Sheylyn," Bruce starts, and I shut my eyes tight, this is it, I think, "we love you so so much. And I can't speak for everyone but when I first met you, I immediately thought of you as a little sister. I wanted to take care of you, like a brother should. I did for a while but then got busy with work, and when I needed you, you were there with arms wide open. I took it for granted and I guess lost the main reason why I love you. Because your my sister, I love you!" He sobbed into my chest and I gave him a hug, sobbing myself. After a few minutes I let go and he said he better go, something about a tracking device.

I look to the others to see Clint ready to talk, "Sheylyn, when I first saw you I admit I didn't really like you that much but after a week of you working with us I fell in love with your personality and how childish you were. You reminded me of my own children and then I saw you as one of my own. I'm sorry if I made you feel unloved by how I have acted towards you. I love you, Sheylyn." We hug, both crying by the way, and he leaves me to the other three.

Tony is the next to speak, "Sheylyn, just like Clint I didn't like you at first, but it was the stupid things like how you didn't fold my clothes right or how you did pranks on me, I don't know. I guess you just reminded me of myself and ya so I just don't know. And it wasn't until last week did I truly see you for the greatness that you are. Ever since what I said to you, and you left crying, I had realized that I love you. I love you so much, I feel like your my older sister-I don't know why I said older I mean it doesn't make sense- but ya. I just see you as my sister and I love you, Sheylyn. Ok? Okay." He hugs me and I sob into his shoulder.

He leaves as well and I look to Nat and Steve. I know Steve has to go first because Natasha won't show emotion in front of him but I know Steve wants to be last. I stare at them while they look at each other, silently sending signals on who can go first. Steve gives in and I already know the speech, "Shey, you know I love you just the way you are. What I don't understand is how you think you shouldn't be loved, how you couldn't be loved. Sheylyn, I fell in love with you the moment I heard your laugh, I just don't see how you don't see that your perfect. "

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