Image 4: Part 4

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Image 4:   Part 4

The dwarf men (and hobbit) watch as the shapeshifter runs away on three good legs. Everyone calls after her, most wanting her to stay, and one wanting nothing more than her leave.

They can hear her animal whine echo off the walls of the halls of Erebor. Their hearts sink to their toes at her pain, well, all but one.

Thorin's mind was still consumed in the sickness. A smirk played on his lips as the girl ran away, and he had to wonder what the others saw in her.

When they were all done their shouting Thorin put his thoughts into words, "She is gone; ran away from her own problems. Coward, and why do you all care for her, after all this?"

The Durin brothers knew that Thorin knew why they loved her so they didn't speak and let the others rage. The others all spoke at once, shouting at their king, and speaking of their beloved friend who was now gone.

They yelled out words of how kind, amazing, funny she was and so much more. The brothers stayed in their spots, not knowing if they should be angry or sad if the loss of their friend.

Fili was sad that his best friend left and seemed to not be returning. Kili felt slightly sad for his One but hatred ran through his veins as he watched his king smirk of the loss of one member.

After the others had spoken their words, Kili stepped up, red faced and hands clenched, "You had no right! None; to shove her away and make her feel terrible for what she did! You, King Under the Mountain, have no right to stoop so low! You-" Kili was cut off by a scream.

They all heard it, far away, a painful and long scream calling to them; to anyone. For three minutes they listened in vein the call out to the earth.

When the screaming stopped, silence hung in the air. Like a knife hanging on a string, it hung unbalanced and heavy. Finally the string couldn't hold any longer, and the king burst in the silence.

"She will be long gone-" now he was cut off my another yell, this time from his nephew.

Kili's patience and anger burst and he let it out on his king, "You snake! She can't be gone! I can feel it; she is alive! You 'King Under the Mountain' are no longer my king." His voice sneered towards his new enemy

A voice spoke softly, "Where sickness thrives, bad things happen." Balin muttered under his breathe as Kili steppedaway from the small crowd.

Kili ran after his One, following her footsteps out of the Mountain and into the wild but he didn't get far. As he got to the gates of Erebor, an army of elves and men stood at the gates, ready for battle.

"Tell your uncle, The King, we want what was promised!" Bard, the bowman, shouted at Kili.

Kili, now confused and worried, went back into the Mountain and hid behind the dwarf-made wall to think of his options.

He had a few: go and look for his One, go back and knock some sense into his uncle, or he could go and just get the gold and jewels the Elves and Men desired.

He knew since the elves and men were at the gates of Erebor he wouldn't be able to get to his One so he went to slap some sense into Thorin. If it came to it, he would do it, for peace.

Kili did not make it to his uncle, because his uncle came to him, "I thought you left!" His voice shouted even when they were only feet apart.

Kili stood tall-as much as he could being a dwarf- and puffed out his chest, "I was, but then they came," he pointed to the elves and men waiting, "They want what is theirs." Kili's voice was low and dangerous, as it to give warning of any mistakes he knew Thorin would make.

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