Image 4: Part 3

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Image 4: Part 3

Kili and Fili left as well as most of the town when they heard the dragons fighting.

Houses were being burned, people were dying, and the ones who were alive were fleeing for their lives.

Bard shot down the beast and the dwarves started to head to the mountain.

Meanwhile, Thorin left the injured skin changer to see his gold. The sickness was already starting to corrupt his heart. He ordered the company to heal the girl while the rest who aren't, go look for his precious stone. No one knew Bilbo had found it while they healed Sheylyn.

Hope seemed lost for the skin changer. She had lost so much blood and her arm was torn pretty badly. There was barely any skin hanging on to her lower part of her arm, the company could see her muscles and bones, and it was more scratched up than the rest of her body.

Using lots of old herbing healing, they had succeeded in getting her cells to work faster, and had covered up her arm in herbs and ripped cloths.

"Now all we can do is hope and pray she heals by herself and will make it through this." Balin muttered finishing tying a strip of cloth on her arm.

Just then, Thorin's voice called to Balin, telling him that he needed every last person available to find the Arkenstone.

Sheylyn seemed to be in a coma, not from injury but from lack of energy. She could hear everyone who came near her but yet she had no desire to move or wake up from this state. She had no clue if Kili, her love, or Fili, her best friend, were dead. She saw the village burn, and knew it would take a miracle if they were both alive and well, but she knew Kili would have surely died if it wasn't from the fire, then from that arrow. She believed that she would never see them again, and allowed this state to stay, not wanting to face the truth of heartache and a possible missing arm.

The Durin brothers and a few others had finally entered the mountain when Bilbo stoped them, and their hearts grew even more heavy than what they were. Fili and Kili were worried sick for their friend, who they saw battle the dragon. Word had spread and they didn't know to believe the rumours of the 'silver dragon's' death as well as Smaug's.

The boys didn't have much hope left for their friends and had feared for the worst. Turns out, their fear was real. Thorin had the sickness upon him and Sheylyn was in a coma.

After their encounter with their uncle, both Durin's ran through the halls to find Shey.

After half an hour of running around and searching every corner, they found her. Alone she was, wrapped up in a single blanket. Her skin looked frail and grey, her hair a mess, her wounds were large. Kili nearly broke down as he thought she was dead, but soon saw her take in a deep breathe and continue with her normal sleeping rhythm.

"Will she be okay?" Kili thought aloud.

Balin had just entered the room and answered softly, "We did all we can lad. Now it's up to her."

Kili, feeling bold, took her non-injured hand in his own and softly sung 'The Misty Mountains'. He rubbed her dry hand and sat down on a chair that sat beside it's patient.

Fili kissed his friend's forehead and left to help the search of the Arkenstone with Balin. Leaving the young soon-to-be couple to rest and get better.

After a while Kili's voice slowed to a stop and he fell asleep beside his One.

Nearly an hour after he fell asleep, his uncle found the young Durin and roared in anger.

"You dare to sleep while the rest of our kin labour!?"

Startled, Kili stumbled up from his chair, and stood tall but still held Shey's hand.

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