Image 3: Part 5

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Image 3: Part 5

After I got energy, I woke up to find my clothes sticky, and to find my cheeks wet. I must have been crying, I thought. I touched my face, and found that there were drops randomly all over, it couldn't have been me, so who was it?

I stood and saw Dwarves at the entrance of the Mountain who looked like they were fixing it up. No one was around, except for the dead bodies lying scattered everywhere. We still had to clean them up and plan ceremonies for our fallen loved ones.

My legs were wobbly but I still staggered out to the Mountain, I hope everyone else is okay, I think.

Once I get to the entrance, an old dwarf stops me, "And what do you think you're doing?" He stops me as I try to get in.

Confused I tell him, "I'm Sheylyn," he gives me a weird look and I wonder if he even knows who exactly I was, "I'm the Terraqua Aerignis-" I didn't get to finish as he bowed low and left me stunned. "What are you doing?" I ask.

He rises, "It is an honour to be in your presence Terraqua Aerignis. If I may be so bold to ask, why are you here?" My eyebrows scrunch up.

"I killed Azog the Defiler, I'm the sister to Bilbo Baggins, and Thorin's-" I pause, are we together? Is he mad at me?

"King Thorin's what?" He asks.

I shut my eyes and mutter, "I'm his One?" It came out like a question but I hope he didn't even hear me.

"Mmm, we'll see about that missy." He doesn't believe me by the sound of his voice and grabs my arm, taking me inside.

We get to the throne room and I spot the company arguing, yelling, and going into a frenzie. The dwarf holding me tightens his hold, then announces his presence, "King Under the Mountain!" The company turns and I watch as their faces turn into shock, "This lass here says she is your One. Her name is Shaiklyn, do you know her?"

Thorin, with his mouth still wide open, steps forward, "Sheylyn?" I nod, confused as hell, why are they so shocked to see me?

"Your alive!" Kili and Fili exclaim and run towards me, embracing me in a big hug.

The dwarf lets my arm go, "You know her, King?"

Thorin's eyes fill with tears as he finally comes face to face with me-only being able to come two feet apart from me due to his nephews still hugging me-and he smiles, "Of course I do, she's my One, my Queen, if she will have me."

I open my mouth in shock, is he asking me to marry him? Or just court him?

"I will leave you then, King Thorin." the dwarf bows and leaves without another word.

The company-all at once-crashes into me into another huge hug. Except for Bilbo and Thorin who talk aside, and wait for me to give me a private hug.

Everyone finally lets me go and confronts me with questions and statements, 'But we saw you die!' 'We gave you a ceremony.' 'How is it possible.' And my favourite, 'You never stop surprising us, young Terraqua Aerignis."

Thorin nods at the company and they leave us be, leaving Bilbo, Thorin, and I to talk.

Bilbo is the first to hug me, crying into my neck, "We saw you die! I thought you were dead! I-I-I thought I'd n-never see you a-again!" His sobs broke my heart and I had to push him away so I could talk to him face to face.

"Bilbo, I was stabbed but I was rooted to the ground, I had healed but I just needed energy. I'm so sorry I gave you a fright, Bilbo." Tears welled in my eyes as I thought of all the possible things he might have thought at that moment.

"I'm just so glad your alive." He hiccups and grabs me in another hug.

A tear slides down my cheek and I have to breathe in heavily so I can speak, "I'm sorry I put you through that. I'm alive, I'm well, and you won't get rid of me that easy."

Bilbo releases his hold and punches me in the arm, "Ow!" I rub my arm.

My brother now has a smile on his face, "I told you, if one of us got killed, I was going to kill you, but not yet! For now you get a punch. Next time, it will be a full day of you in your room, cleaning, you hear?!"

I laugh and hug him, "I hear you. Now, go to bed, you obviously didn't get much sleep, and it looks like you need a bath."

He punches me again but softer this time and leaves, giving me and my One to talk.

"Sheylyn," Thorin's face gets soft, "I am terribly sorry for how I had acted with the dragon sickness. There is no excuse, and I understand if you don't want-" I cut him off with our first kiss.

At first, he stays still, then he grabs the back of my neck and we passionately kiss. The kiss was just how I dreamed it would be; soft but rough, slow and full of emotion, and special.

We broke apart and I opened my eyes to see his still closed, absorbing the kiss and his breathe. "I still love you. I have since the moment I opened my Hobbit door. I know it wasn't you who did all that, I just wish you had snapped out of it sooner."

He opens his eyes and touches my cheek, "I meant what I said, love. If you will take me, will you court thee?"

I smile in shock, "Your poetic?"

He smirks, "Dis got me into it. Now, your answer?"

I smirk as well, and tilt my head, "I don't know, Thorin. You were pretty mean before..."

His face goes into panic and I suppress the urge to laugh, "What?! But you said you forgive me!"

I finally laugh and take his hand, "I'm messing with you. Of course you can court me, King Under the Mountain."

He shakes his head at me, "You are such a trouble maker." Then he mirrors my smirk.


I now had everything I've ever wanted, and I am so very grateful. Thorin and I had two children-who turns out have Terraqua Aerignis running in their veins- a boy who we named: Rowlain, and a baby girl who we named: Kaitlain. Rowlain is two years old and Kaitlain is only two months old.

Bilbo lives in the Shire and we alternate meet ups every six months (We travel by the Eagles that gladly serve us as pets). Tonight we start our journey to the Shire to meet Bilbo and his new girlfriend. Also, Bilbo sometimes gets a little weird and goes into another room, muttering about 'precious' but I think he loves looking at the large gold chest he received from his 14th share and the troll 'long term deposit'.

Beorn visits us every 7 months, and partly lives in the mountain with us. He will sometimes come to visit and stay for a month to visit us, giving me stories of my parents and his people, also giving my son more adventurous bed time stories.

Gandalf plans to roam around and have a break from adventures. He plans to sell fireworks to entertain everyone with stories of the great dwarves, elves, men, wizards, and Terraqua Aerignis'.

Since I am a Terraqua Aerignis, that means that once I had married Thorin, we started ruling over all of Middle Earth. There were many species who hated the idea but gave us permission after I told them of my kind.

The company lives happily creating golden creations for the kingdom. Fili and Kili have found their Ones and are courting, having our permission to date, and their word as to be safe (if you know what I mean).

Everyone lives in peace, how it should have been. Ya, once in a while orcs attempt to attack, but they are no match to this kingdom. We are strong, we are young, and we will not give in for what is wrong. We are the rulers of Middle Earth and we will not break for those who try to bend us.


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