The sun was starting to dip below the horizon and we were still in the water. I was busy pacing around the only spot I could touch with my feet while Necro was floating around aimlessly. A string of curses escaped my lips and I was getting a little irritated. Someone should've been out to check on us by now, it's been hours.
"I swear I'm never doing tricks for that little monster ever again!" I huffed angrily as the sun was disappearing.
"She's going to give you puppy eyes and you won't be able to resist."
"You're right," I sighed, uncrossing my arms and instead wrapping them around my chest, "God I don't think I've ever gone without a shirt for this long."
"I thought you were going to say bra." Necro chuckled.
"Oh, I haven't had one of those since I got to the PASCI building," I snorted, "they must've taken it off of me so they could treat the burns."
"Burns?" He leaned up, opening his eyes in an attempt to look.
"I've got burns all over the top of my chest, the rest of me is fine besides that and my face," I paused as he drew closer, "you probably wouldn't like me anymore if you could see me. I'm hideous."
"In comparison to?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Osiris," I paused again, "Thamyris, pretty much every other human woman in this world."
"Well, what do they have that you don't?" He asked.
"Uh, boobs for one," I glanced down at my B cups, "hips, perfect skin, no scars, pretty faces that aren't full of gaping holes."
"What if I like those holes?" Necro reached out playfully, his hand grazing my left cheek, "and these scars?" His hand dropped down to my collarbone, his fingers tracing the looping holes and bumps, "what if I like all of you because it's you, and not someone else?"
"You're cold." I said quietly, reaching up and grabbing his hand. It shook a little in my grasp, the skin freezing cold. He may have been dead but this chill was enough to even make me shiver.
"A little," he laughed, trying to pull his hand away, "I'll be fine, really."
I held his hand tighter, not entirely sure of what I was doing when I pulled him closer. I placed his hand on my waist and reached for his other, wrapping his arms around me while I did the same to him. It felt strange being pressed skin to skin like this, but I could feel his trembling begin to cease. I focused a little bit and my body temperature raised, a sound of pleasure escaping from his chest. There was still no heartbeat, but I enjoyed the silence.
"God, you're like a warm teddy bear." He squeezed me tightly, leaning his head on top of mine.
"Well, I'm warm, but I don't know about a teddy bear." I laughed, pressing my head to his chest. Something seemed to stir inside, something just as dead as he.
I traced shapes in his back as we stood there, waiting for the cavalry to come calling. I wasn't sure how long it would take, but if we were still out here when the moon came out, I wasn't going to hesitate to stay in the elevator overnight. Necro began humming, something that distracted me from my thoughts entirely. The vibration echoed in my ears and even though I couldn't identify the song, I was still enjoying it.
"Hey Necro? About that question earlier," I lifted my head to look at him, "I think I'd still act just the same, even if you could see."
"Why's that?" He asked softly.
"I trust you," I whispered, "And I don't trust anybody."
His face softened from playful to serious, a glimmer in his white eyes that I knew I'd seen before. Necro's fingers brushed my cheek and I didn't hesitate to lean into his touch, the feeling of it reminding me of safety and...home. They were right when they said home wasn't always four walls and a roof; it was blind eyes and a heartbeat. Necro leaned down and pressed his lips to mine before I could pull myself up to him and his lips were soft; they tasted like woodsmoke and honey, a mixture that forced me to catch my breath because he stole it all away.

Clair de Lune
General Fiction"It's cold." The story I'm about to tell you is probably the least believable and most outrageous one out there, but I need you to hear me out on this. I was once a normal girl. Once, like, once upon a time, but this isn't a fairytale with a damsel...