We ate spaghetti that night. I sat on the couch and bundled the noodles up on my plastic fork, laughing around my food-filled mouth when Marshall belched and Necro wiped away the tomato sauce smeared across his lips. For the first time I was really beginning to feel like this place was really shaping up into a home. I'd never been happier than I was now, sitting in the presence of two people I barely knew, stuffing my face with stolen food and lounging in a dilapidated house.
A few hours went by and I was walking up to the bedroom, the sound of rain creeping in through the thin, rotting walls. My exhaustion was hanging over my shoulders and I stretched as I took a seat on the edge of the bed, just about to take my shoes off when I heard a small creak on the stairs outside. I opened the door slightly, just enough to peer out and take a look. Necro rounded the corner as he rubbed his eyes tiredly and wandered towards me, obviously looking to ask if he could sleep in the same bed again. A smile appeared on my face but was gone only moments later and replaced by a terrified mask when a gloved hand wrapped around Necro's mouth to keep him from screaming. Moments later a gas mask appeared and I kicked the door open, screaming as I ran out into the hall.
The door ahead of me blew open and I ducked into the room behind the man, watching as he wielded a shotgun in an attempt to protect me. I turned around just in time to see him fire off a blast at the agent that was now running toward us in an attempt to subdue us. His body went flying backwards and I felt the fear set in when I realized they'd already grabbed ahold of Necro and likely towed him off somewhere.
"Go!" Marshall shouted, pointing to the hole in the floor behind me. I could see the back door through the broken hardwood and didn't hesitate to leap down, landing on the table and locking eyes with three PASCI agents who had taken residence in the kitchen. A wave of fire erupted from my body and they all backed away, giving me enough time to run out the back door and slam it shut behind me.
I made it halfway through the yard before someone managed to get ahold of me. The rain was pouring my now, thunder roaring in the distance as I struggled to get out of their grasp. Flames burst out from my body, burning whoever had held me and causing them to release their grasp on my form. I landed on all fours as they dropped me and took off through the mud again, my whole body soaked to the bone and covered in waste. I didn't even make it to the treeline before they cut me off again, hands grabbing my limbs and trying to pin me to the spot. The rain didn't dampen the fire and instead it only burned brighter. I kicked and screamed like a wild animal fighting for it's life, and only when they plunged a needle into my neck did I cease my fighting. My fire began to dwindle and my eyesight blurred while someone jostled me around and threw me over their shoulder, the last image I saw being that of Marshall fighting his way through the crowd in an attempt to reach me.
"Hellfire!" He shouted, his voice echoing over the soft ringing in my ears. "I won't let them take you too-!"
I felt myself fall into unconsciousness. The faint sensation of being thrown around and strapped down reached my mind, but all I could hear were the words Marshall screamed at me. At first I thought by too he meant the number, referring to Necro and I, but there was something else in the way he said it. He meant too as in also, meaning that he'd lost someone before and he wasn't about to lose them again.
The sudden rage in my system led me to clench my hands into fists, finding that already the sedatives were wearing off. I'm not entirely sure how long I'd been out for but I began to pull and squirm, slowly bringing myself back into the waking world. The fight for dear life ensued yet again as I blinked my eyes open, finding myself back in my room and staring at the ceiling. My eyes flickered to the corner and I saw my backpack right where I'd left it. In moments I ripped my arm from the restraint after having unbuckled it and paused only when I heard someone on the other side of the door. I moved my body slightly to hide the unbridled hand when Sergei came in, looking a little exasperated and somewhat worried.

Clair de Lune
Genel Kurgu"It's cold." The story I'm about to tell you is probably the least believable and most outrageous one out there, but I need you to hear me out on this. I was once a normal girl. Once, like, once upon a time, but this isn't a fairytale with a damsel...