Chapter 5: The Big Leap

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It's been a month since that incident and nothing happened since. Sasuke became more affectionate when they're alone and back to being stoic and cold when they're out in public. Sakura silently envy her friends for having their partners showing some affection in both private & public but she's ignored all of those feelings as long as she knows Sasuke is by her side.

Although, Sakura can't help but wish Sasuke to be more affectionate when they're together in public. Maybe a simple "Let me carry your bag for you" or a simple holding of the hands while walking will be enough for her.

She sometimes felt like they are more of comrades than spouses. She was lost so lost in thought that she didn't hear Ino's voice calling out to her until she felt a strong arm wrapped around her shoulder from behind and another on her forehead. Her eyes widened when her attention is brought to the object in front of her. A street post. She almost bumped herself into a street post. A sweat drop trickled down her forehead and slowly looked behind to see who her savior was. She saw her husband slightly glaring at her because of her clumsiness and behind him is Ino, red-faced for trying to hold back her laughter.

" Hehehe ummm.. Hi Sasuke-kun" she laughed nervously

"What are you daydreaming about?"

"Umm.. Nothing?" she can see walking up towards them and gave a giggle.

"You should be careful next time. I'll be late coming home today. I'll go out with Naruto later. I'll see you at home."

"Ok then. Bye." And with that, Sasuke nodded at Ino and left to the Hokage tower. Sakura sighed in disappointment which wasn't go unnoticed by Ino.

"Ok. What's up?" Ino asked while she crossed her arms and her face is in her "interrogation mode". She knows something is bothering her best friend but she is not telling her anything.

"Nothing." Sakura replied.

"You know me better than that, Sakura Uchiha. Now spill!"

Sakura once again sighed and told Ino they would talk about it in private and not out in the busy streets. So they went to her favorite dessert store just a block away from the Hokage tower and decided to talk there.

"Ok now what?"

"I'm...I'm.." when she can't seem to speak out, Ino's eyes widened and blurted out,





With that, they both looked around and customers giving them funny looks. So they settled down but not without blushing because of embarrassment. Ino just sighed and looked at Sakura, urging her to continue.

"I'm jealous." Sakura said as she turned her head to the side, avoiding Ino's gaze.

"Of? Don't tell me your jealous of Sasuke and Naruto's closeness because you know what you got yourself into."

"Pig, stop that. No. It's not that. I mean I'm... I'm jealous about you guys."

"WHAT? Of us? Who? Why?"

Sakura glared at Ino for being too damn loud and Ino noticed this and laughed nervously and told her to continue.

"I mean I'm jealous of how you guys are ok with public affection and me and Sasuke-kun are just like.... normal comrades."

"You're being ridiculous right now, don't you know that?"

"I know."

"Sakura you know Sasuke-kun is still adju-"

"I know that. Of all people Ino, I'm the one who knows." she sighed

"I just wish. Well, I can't blame him. I just... Never mind. This is stupid."


"No, Ino. You're right. I know Sasuke-kun. He doesn't like things like that. He is affectionate when we're alone, but it's different. That's why I- I'm gonna wait for him to be ok with it. If he never will, then that's fine too. Because I love him so much I'm willing to do everything for him. It's mean of me to think of only what I want when my husband already done so much out of his comfort zone for me."

Ino smiled and looked at her friend who is already on the verge of crying.

"No. Sakura, look at me. You have your needs and I really admire you for loving Sasuke-kun so much and willing to sacrifice everything for him too. But you know, it won't hurt to try. Talk it out. Let's see what happens then."

Sakura sighed and smiled. "Thank you, Ino. But I don't think talking to him about this will work. I just hope someday." Ino didn't agree but kept silent.

"So, let's go? We need to go to the hospital, you know?"

"Hahaha you should stop that "you know" phrase of yours. You're starting to sound like Naruto."

"Ewww! No! Take that back!"

Sakura and Ino went out of the store. Little did they know the three gentlemen that were in the next table have heard everything about what they talked about. 

"What now Sasuke?" asked Naruto.

"I didn't know she felt that way." Sasuke replied, his bangs covering his eyes.

"Tch. I didn't know you're such a softie, Sasuke" Suigetsu snickered.

"Shut up, Suigetsu" he blushed.

"Damn whipped hahah" Naruto laughed

"Says the man who's scared to go home past 8pm because his wife will get mad."



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