Chapter 4: I choose to stay

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We were sitting on the couch, Sakura between my legs as she lay on my chest and I play with her hair. It was silent but it was rather comforting. I sighed and pushed her away from me, and made her sit down. Her sleepy eyes looked at me with confusion. I reached out my hand to carress her cheek. It was still swollen from the slap earlier. A pang of guilt thrust into my chest as I looked away and burried my head between my hands. I can't look at her. Not now that I've hurt her again. My thoughts were in scramble but all of it was cut off when I felt her get up and hugged me from behind, her head settled in my shoulder blades.

"I really can't understand how you can still forgive me." I tell her not bothering to look at her straight in the eyes because of the guilt I felt.

"Sasuke-kun." I heard her say hinting that we should drop the conversation but I chose to refuse.

"I just can't drop this Sakura. Not after  what I did. I thought I got rid of the hatred inside of me and yet here we are in this situation now."

"Please stop blaming yourself."she told me.

"I'm trying." And I really am. For you.

She doesn't deserve to be with someone like me. I lived my life in a lie and hatred consumed me. I pushed her away from me, I tried to kill her for getting in the way. But then I realizd. This woman was the only one who loved me despite me being in the dark. A light that has passed through the high walls I have created to block everyone away. And yet here I am, hurting the one who loves me. Hurting the one who made me see the world as it is now. How cruel can I get? My thoughts were cut off when she appeared in front of me, kneeling so that we'll be at height, and looked at me straight in the eye. I always seem to be drowned everytime I look at those emerald orbs. Staring at it feels like I know that she's mine and I am hers.

"You're not leaving me right?" I asked looking at her with pleading eyes and expecting her to say she can't stay.

"Of course not." She answered and I didn't know that I was holding my breath when I finally let out a sigh of relief. She smiled at me like nothing happened. Damn I love this woman. I gather her in my arms, gave her a slight kiss on her forehead, and nuzzled my head in her neck. I closed my eyes and hugged her tight. I can feel my eyes furrowed. My chest tightened as the thought of her gone and the relief that she'll stay despite everything I have done as we lay on the couch until we both fell asleep.

I have decided that I'm not gonna lose her. I love her too much to let her go now. I will do everything in my power to make this marriage work. Even if it's going to be very difficult.

For years that I gave been alone, she gave me a reason to come home. I ended up pushing her away but she grew closer to me.

"Stay away from me Sakura"

"You know you can't keep pushing me away."

"What do you even want from me!?"

"I want you to OPEN up your HEART to those people who CARE, Sasuke!"

That shut me up. Never did she use that tone to me before. I looked at her and I saw the determination in her eyes, I saw the love that was unrequited all those years but chose to keep it. Never did a second it left her heart. I chose to lookand walk away from her. I turned into the corner and sneeked a peak, curious of what she'll do next. I expected her to follow me like all those years where she would annoyingly enjoy doing but to my surprise, she stayed there, standing alone, sadness visible in her eyes, shoulder slightly slumped, head hang low, eyes focused to where I was standing before. My chest tighted. She actually made me want to walk back there and hug her but I kept myself restrained. I watch her as she composed herself and wiped the tears that I didn't even notice. Was she crying the whole time? And with that, she left.

I woke up the next day, warmth no longer by my side and when I opened my eyes, only to find Sakura no longer in my arms. I sat right up, panic consumed me. I checked the bathroom, our room, and I stopped when I reached the kitchen. There she was. My cherry blossom. I let out a sighed of relief as I walked towards her, her back facing me as she wear that pink & blue stripe apron she loved so much as she mix the dough, humming quietly to herself. She let out a gasp when I wrapped my arms around her waist. She giggled.

"Morning Sasuke-kun."


"You can take a bath first. I'll finish making breakfast" but I refused to let go. She must have sensed my trouble and stopped what she was doing. Her head twisted slightly to my direction indicating she was going to say something.

"What's wrong?" Seriously this woman can read me like an open book.

"Nothing." With that said, she removed my hands around her waist which took me by surprise but it was only because she faced me and put her arms around my neck. I instantly put my hands around her waist yet again and pulled her in to a kiss. She seemed surprise but kissed me back. Her hand pushed me towards me and the other hand was playing with my hair. My hand went up to cup her face and the other pulled her closer to me. When we pulled away from the intimate closure we just shared, her eyes are searching for answers. I sighed. I need to tell her.

"What's wrong?" She asked me again, more firmly this time.

"I love you." A sudden confession.

She was speechless which left me nervous. She just stared at me with her emerald orbs that I love so much. I suddenly felt nervous. What if she's staying only because of pity? What if she's only with me because of her reputation? But all of that were cut off when I saw tears forming in her beautiful emerald orbs. My eyes widened in surprise.

"Sakura? What's wrong?"

"....." no answer.

"Is.. Is it... A-am I too late?" I turned my head to the side to keep myself from looking at the face of rejection. It would hurt less this way. I made her wait long enough. My thoughts were cut off when she giggled. I'm left confused. I faced her and here she is, cheeks drenched from her crying, eyes red from crying, but she's wearing a smile that brightened up the room.

"I- I'm happy!" She tackled me into a hug and cried on my shoulders. I gained my composure and hugged her back tightly. Seriously this woman needs to let me know how she feels before bursting into tears. I smiled and kissed her hair.

"I love you too Sasuke-kun" she  said when she pulled away from my embrace and smiled at me. That kind of smile that I have always loved. That kind of smile that light up my whole dark world. That smile that she only makes for me. I reached out to cup her face and give her another kiss, our lips almost touchi-


I hear her groan in frustration. She pushed me away from her, glaring and stomping her way to our front door. I let out a sighed and smirk. 

That dobe. He never learns

And with that, I followed my angry wife to the door, while she's already scaring the shit out of Naruto.

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