A Thousand Chances

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Sakura laid in her hospital bed,  drifting deep into thoughts. Her hands slowly creeping into her abdomen. Her child is safe. She didn't lose it. So what's keeping her up? She knows that what happened was only a reaction but why can't she just get over it? 


He's the reason. He has always been the reason of her misfortune. He has hurt and almost killed her, and yet her stupid heart still chooses him every time. She knows he loves her this time. She knows. She felt it. Or was it because it was her insecurity that brought all of this up? Neither the less, her feelings always get in the way. 

She pulled herself up into a sitting position, eyes looking through the open window, the curtains getting in the way of Konoha's view, most of the lights have gone out. It must be really late, Sakura thought.

She sighed and stood up and walked towards the window. It's rather chilly out tonight. And so when she was about to close it, she saw a familiar figure not far away from the hospital building. She can see that the figure was having a hard time choosing to leave or to enter the hospital as he was pacing back and forth. 

Her lips curved into a small smile.. It was the first time that night ever since that incident. She knows that figure all too well and she was happy that the man outside the building was trying so hard for her. And instantly all of her doubt, all of her madness, all of her sadness, faded away. 

It's what makes her love him more and more each day. She knows he has sin far too many than often, and some of it seem unforgivable but as she lay eyes on this lost soul, she knows it was not his intentions to hurt her. Not this time. And with that she has come to a decision. She can see how hard enough it was for him to give her the space she needed when she knows he just wanted to be by her side. 

When Sasuke's frustrated pacing stopped and looked up to Sakura's window. He saw her there, her eyes, staring at his. His eyes widened in surprise, lips slightly parted. When he returned his composure, he swallowed nervously, his eyes not leaving hers. No, not even for a second. He fears that if he blinks, she'll be gone. 

Hesitantly, he took a step, eyes still not leaving hers. She didn't flinch so that's a good start. He made up his mind and go to her. They'll sort this now and it can't wait till morning. To hell with that space he needs to talk to her now.

As a ninja, of course he chose that fastest route. He jumped to the window and see her took a step back. He took it as a good sign that she's letting him in. They stared at each other for a couple of minutes. Their eyes not leaving each other. He has so much to explain and yet words seem stuck in his throat. She looks at him like she always does. Lovingly. And it makes him question how the hell does she look at him that way when she can leave him any second now.


He didn't finish when she wrapped her arms around his torso as she buried her head against his chest. Stunned, Sasuke didn't know what to do but also, almost instantly, his arm slowly wrapped around her body too. He pulled her towards him tightly. His lips making its way to her head and kissed her lightly. His brows furrowed further, eyes closed as his chest throb like it was going to explode. She forgave him again. He knows this for sure. He didn't deserve it. She deserves better. She deserves more than what she has now. She has loved him for years and he just hurt her through all that. Sasuke thought of that over and over and over again but for now, he'll hold her like he deserves her.  Even when he tries to not mess up, he will eventually. And he fears that after all those sins, she'll, still, give a thousand chances for him.


"Don't speak. Please. Let's stay like this for a while."


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