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Note: This story begins on page 298

"Am I done yet?" I say, and I'm not sure if I actually say it or if I just think it and she hears it.

"Yes, she says, her eyes bright with tears. "My dear child, you've done so well."

"What about the others?" I choke on a sob, as the image of Tobias comes into my mind, of how dark and still his eyes were, how strong and warm his hand was, when we first stood face-to-face. "Tobias, Caleb, my friends?"

"They'll care for each other," she says. "Thats what people do."

I smile and close my eyes.

I feel a thread tugging me again, but this time I know that it isn't some sinister force dragging me toward death. This time I know it's my mother's hand, drawing me into her arms.

But I do not go gladly into her embrace. My mind latches onto memories.

Of my brother, Caleb, trying not to let me sacrifice myself for him. I have so much left to resolve with him.

Christina, jumping off of the train as a Dauntless initiate with me, and forgiving me after I killed Will.

I remember the factions, and I know that I still have to help fix them. I have too many loose ends I still need to tie up.

Stronger than any of these, is the memory of Tobias: throwing knives at me in training, kissing me until I was senseless, telling me how strong I was. Even stronger than those memories is the feeling of love I have for him and I know he has for me.

Instantly I know I cannot leave yet. There are too many things I have left to say and do.

I pull my hand away from my mother's as I say, "No."

"What?" she asks me, seemingly in shock.

"I said no. I am not going to die right now. I can't just leave all of this behind. I'm not finished yet!'

"Beatrice, this is an honorable way to die! You gave your life for a cause bigger than yourself. I knew it would not be easy to convince you to come with me though. You deserve to have a chance at a long and happy life after all of."

With that, she begins to slowly vanish back into the fog of my imagination. Before I know what has happened, I collapse on the floor.

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