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A few hours after Zeke told me that Uriah's lungs were going to be used, the doctors performed the transplant surgery. The procedure itself took almost 12 hours but I recovered fairly quickly. I can still run, jump, and shoot, but I'm not as skilled as I used to be since I'm out of practice. But none of that's important.

It's 2 weeks later and today is my wedding day. I am marrying the love of my life, Tobias Eaton, and I am absolutely giddy with excitement.

I am wearing a simple, white A-line dress that Christina picked out. She did my hair and makeup too. I look very feminine and girly, which is new for me. To be honest, I feel a little bit pretty, something also new.

I've been grinning nonstop all day, and pretty much yesterday, and the day before, and quite possibly the day before that. And I keep giggling. Tris Prior does NOT giggle. Christina just laughs with me and says, "So you can be a girl!" But then I remember that she said those exact words to me after she told me about her and Will's first kisses. And I know that because of me she will probably never have a wedding.

She seems to be able to read my thoughts because she gives me a sad smile and says, "Hey it's ok," giving me a hug. "Now come on, you can't be late for your own wedding!"

We wind our way through the halls until we get to the spacious white conference room that has been transformed for our ceremony. The giant table has been moved out for us and the chairs full of people face the front with an aisle down the middle. Garlands of tiny white lights are strung across the ceiling, while a delicate flower called "baby's breath" is adorning every book and cranny in the room.

Christina opens the door and walks in first since she is my Maid of Honor. It is an old tradition from Abnegation that the bride and groom each have a best friend by their side at the wedding and I chose her. Tobias picked Zeke which was especially fitting after all he's done for us.

Once Christina is at the front of the room, I start to walk in.

My heart is racing. I hate all of these people looking at me. I think I might be sick. These shoes are pinching my toes and my dress suddenly feels too tight. But then my eyes meet Tobias's.

He has the same look of admiration and awe on his face that he did the day I jumped first as a Dauntless initiate and he helped me off of the net. The only difference from now is that there is love written all over his face too. And I know without a doubt that I can do this.

Evelyn performs the ceremony, and I must say she does a fantastic job. She is short, simple, and to the point, but the vows Tobias and I say to each other are very meaningful. Afterwards, we have an Abnegation-style meal of bread and potato soup with Evelyn, Christina, Zeke, Hana, Shauna, Caleb, Amar, and Cara.

As I sit next to my husband and among my friends, I realize that no matter what I do, these people will always love me. They have seen me at my best and worst and they still choose to forgive and love me.

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