Chapter Three (unedited)

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"I was not myself for weeks yet nobody noticed."


I slumped in the cold, metal chair as the bell clanged above. Students filed in, crashing into each other as they laughed like hyenas about what they did over the summer. I mentally sighed, knowing I had nothing exciting to share in the conversation our English teacher, Mr. Walter, had started as soon as the ringing ceased. The popular girls instantly raised their hands, animatedly talking about their trips to Europe. Most of the males talked about what sports they played or video games. Of course, the girls gushed over the popular guys, leaving the nerdier ones as unwanted as the first slice on a loaf of bread.

With a sigh, I propped my head on my palm. No one even noticed I was in this class. They all talked and talked, snapping gum in their mouths. I rolled my eyes, letting my blue gaze land on the oak door as it creaked on its hinges. Every head snapped in that direction as Jonathan sauntered in with a lazy grin. Mr. Walter frowned.

"Late on the first day, Jonathan," he said. "Not the best way to start off your senior year."

Jonathan shrugged, and every girl--even me--sighed. He raised a dark colored eyebrow before his gray eyes started wandering around the room. Mr. Walter tapped his pen on the podium he had before pointing toward the back of the room, where all the empty desks were situated. Jonathan found his way to the back, and I shrunk in my seat. Unfortunately, he noticed my presence.

As the class droned on, Jonathan took his time in walking to his seat. I mentally prayed he wouldn't choose the seat to my left, or right, or in front. Basically, any desk surrounding me was off limits to him in my mind.

He sat to my right.

"Kayla," he greeted with a sneer, and I blinked in surprise. Where had that sweet version wandered off to?

"J-jonathan," I stuttered, cursing myself internally for showing such weakness. I couldn't act like a frightened puppy around him.

Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows, concentrating. I instantly took this as a cue to move. So, I did. I shifted over to the last seat in the row, dragging my heavy backpack with me. Mr. Walter had already dispersed out homework as we talked. Jonathan's eyes followed my movements.

"Jonathan!" Mr. Walter called as he opened his mouth to say something. Jonathan's head whirled toward the front of the class. "Tells us about your summer."

Jonathan's jaw clenched as his gray eyes stormed over. He shook his head in defiance. Mr. Walter didn't bother pushing the matter before he began speaking about his vacation to Hawaii. A few girls' eyes stayed on Jonathan. Some of them flickered to me with a glare. I ducked my head like always.

A chair scuffled against the floorboards as Jonathan switched seats. The clock ticked over the buzzing noises as he dropped into his seat, turning to face me. I swallowed the lump in my throat as he opened his mouth. I mentally hoped he wouldn't say something embarrassing or hurtful. Since Ashley took care of my torment, I didn't need another bully attached to my name.

Thankfully, the bell rang, signalling the end of first period.

I darted out of the room faster than cheetah, leaving Jonathan with his jaw hanging open.


 I was placing my books into my locker as a body crashed into my side. Cursing mentally, my arms flew out to latch onto anything stable. Bubbling laughter flowed near my ears as I finally grasped onto something. Actually someone.

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