Chapter Seven (unedited)

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*Thinking of rewriting. What do you all think? *

"We need to stop looking for happiness in the same place we lost it."


Jonathan grasped the wheel tightly in his white fists. His cousin swung a bottle of beer side to side, the liquid splashing out onto the car's interior, which Jonathan was quickly becoming angered by. Nathan was oblivious to his cousin's increasing temper as he lolled his head to the side and giggled. Bringing the bottle to his lips, he took another swig, wiping the excess liquid around his lips with a sleeve. I ducked my head, crinkling my nose.

"Can you stop?" Jonathan asked with an edge as Nathan threw the empty bottle to the floor, reaching for yet another one. I had counted about ten in the last hour. Now, I wasn't an expert when it came to alcohol, but I had a feeling having ten beers in under an hour wasn't going to be very pleasant in the morning. "You're going to get my whole car sticky."

Nathan grunted, "Don't be such a girl."

Surprisingly, I was able to decipher his words, but that may have just been because I had so much practice under my belt from experience with my mother. None the less, I still knew the racy lyrics Nathan began to sing when he flicked on the radio with a shaking hand. Jonathan growled, digging his nails into the steering wheel. For a moment, Nathan turned and winked at me with a twinkle in his eye. Jonathan slammed down on the brakes.

"What the heck!?" Nathan screeched, falling forward and hitting his side on the front of the car. He had failed to put a seat belt on like me, although it didn't stop me from receiving a slight, painful jab to my shoulder and down my abdomen. My neck bent forward and fell back, hitting my skull on the headrest. I bit my tongue to refrain from crying out. "Drive s-s-saf-fer, Jonny."

"First off," Jonathan snapped, turning in his seat, jabbing a finger at Nathan's chest, "stop spilling all over my car unless you're going to wash it." Nathan bobbed his head drunkenly. "Second, stop drinking because there will be none left for me, and I could really use it right now." My head swirled with his words. Didn't one usually drink to forget something? What did Jonathan have to forget? "And stop doing that."

Nathan's lips curled into an evil smirk as he leaned forward, shaking slightly from how intoxicated he was. "What?"

Jonathan's eyes flashed with anger. "You know."

Nathan's smirk widened, showing his white canines. "No, dear cousin, I don't. Why don't you tell Katie and I."

"Kayla," I squeaked like a frightened mouse. Both pairs of eyes stared at me for a fraction of a second, and I squirmed in my seat, uncomfortable. Jonathan offered the smallest smile while Nathan waved his hand as if my name was of no importance, as always.

 Nathan took a large gulp, Adam's apple bobbing as he did so. Jonathan clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth back and forth, nails digging into the armrest. I curled in my seat, pressing a finger to the paper that stuck out of my nostril. The stench of alcohol lingered in the air as Nathan finished his eleventh bottle and threw it to his feet with the rest. Clinks of glass bottles filled the car's space. Nathan released a content breath, followed by a hiccup.

"And don't call me Jonnny."

"Just go," he whined like a child, flicking his wrist lazily. Jonathan's gray eyes narrowed as Nathan laughed, burped, and then rested his head on the seat, humming along to a pop song that I didn't recognize. After a moment of intense staring, Jonathan grasped the wheel and turned the car down the street, leaning back in his chair. I slumped in mine, glancing out at the darkened houses.

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