Chapter Four (unedited)

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"There are two reasons why we don't trust people. First- we don't know them. Second- we know them."


I dragged my feet across the parking lot until I reached the vehicle. Selene was already situated inside, checking her makeup. Slowly, I stretched my hand forward until I gripped the handle and pulled. As soon as the car door opened, I knew I wouldn't be able to back out of this one. Sighing in defeat, I slipped inside as carefully as I could. This car probably cost more than my whole wardrobe.

Jonathan climbed inside the driver's seat with the elegance of a fox. He didn't bother clicking his seatbelt into place before sticking his key in the ignition. The car roared to life and Jonathan peeled away from the parking spot. He easily maneuvered the car toward the school's gates.

As my dad was a cop, I was told repeatedly the importance of seat belts. One never knew when an accident would occur. So, I reached quietly for the belt as Selene attempted to strike up a conversation with a silent bad boy. As she tried--and failed--I stretched the belt across my body. It didn't click into place. Frowning, I tried again but it didn't work. I repeated this process with the rest of the seats, but none of them worked in my favor. Growling internally, I leaned against the door, gripping the side. As if sensing this, Jonathan smirked at me as he turned to look in the side mirror. When he wasn't looking, I stuck my tongue out.

As we continued down the road, Selene's excited voice babbled on and on about her and Jonathan's previous project together, and he politely nodded his head along with her craziness. I slumped further down in the leather seats. They weren't dating, but I oddly felt like a third wheel. Selene twisted a strand of blond hair around her perfectly tanned finger. Jonathan barely spared her a glance at this. Although I shouldn't have felt it, my heart leapt, full of hope.

The hope was quickly crushed when I realized how great they looked together.

After a few more seconds of Selene's voice filling the air of the car, Jonathan sighed deeply, running a hand through his black hair. He glanced at Selene before his gray eyes darted to me through the mirror. I ducked my head, allowing my brown hair to create a curtain around my features. I didn't see his disappointed expression.

"Selene," Jonathan said, his voice just a tad too sweet for his demeanor, "do you mind?"

Selene's blue eyes turned to Jonathan as she pretended to act confused. Her eyebrows furrowed and she leaned closer to him, inclining her head. Blond hair pooled over her shoulder. Her voice became an octave higher with 'confusion.' She pursed her lips in what was supposed to be 'cute.'


Jonathan took a deep breath, smiled, and then tapped a button. My eyes glanced up just in time to see him adjust the volume as the strum of a guitar filled every inch of the car. Selene squealed in delight. Unlike her, I groaned as Taylor Swift's voice drifted near my ears. Although I didn't hate the girl--I actually enjoyed a few songs--this particular one I despised with a burning passion so strong the devil would have been proud. Selene clasped her hand tightly around Jonathan's bicep, and he tensed. My heart soared.

"How did you kno--"

"I didn't," he cut off before changing the station and the distinct sound of Bastille danced around us. Disappointed, Selene slumped in her seat for the rest of the ride until we reached her three story, white house surrounded by bushes. A few workers were already out front, cutting the grass and trimming trees. They glanced at Jonathan's car briefly before turning back to their work. Selene spun to face Jonathan as he leaned back in his seat. He muttered one word: "Bye."

From where I sat, I saw Selene's face drop at his cold tone. I furrowed my eyebrows. How could he have resisted her? Even compared to Ashley, Selene was like a model. Perfect body with curves in all the right places, bouncy, blond hair, and a tan that anyone would kill for. Not to mention she was quite the flirt. Everyone fell for her charms. She used to not have to run the mile because of it!

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