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When Emperor Vespasian died of physical sickness. His son Titus succeeded him. The same day Titus ascended the throne, the Roman senators send diplomats to Scandinavia to continue the agreement signed between Vespasian and Scandinavia. Within two weeks the envoy arrived in the capital of Norway. The news of Vespasian's death wasn't well received by the Roman citizens living in the Norwegian community. They were not sure if the new Emperor would continue to peaceful diplomacy that his father began. The Scandinavians in general were also troubled by the situation. Another thing that bothered them was the policy of governor Agricola. He was appointed as governor of Britain to secure the well-being of the troops in the province. Agricola doubled the size of the province Britain by annexing more chiefdoms, kingdoms and state-lets during his governorship. There were refugees from Britain that sought refuge in Scandinavia. According to Arvid's ambassador in London, Agricola plans to annex the Caledonii into the province coming summer. 

Some Caledoni leaders formally requested assistance from the Angli and Cimbri against Agricola. The Cimbri and Agli were forbidden by Arvid to get involved in the Caledonian resistance. In Britain, at the time, the Asian community became unpopular due to their excessive use of extortion and gambling. The Chinese embassy in Rome received a new envoy to replace the former. At the same time, many Greco-Roman cargo fleets from Austronesia arrived in Egypt containing much silk, coconuts, bamboo, rice, spices, glass, jewellery and around 100 slaves meant as tribute for the Emperor. There were also forty Indian ships that arrived with wild animals and steel and eighteen Chinese vessels with with around 600 immigrants meant for the Chinese community in Italy, Gaul and Britain. Most of the ships were permitted to sail unto the Pharaoh's canals towards the Nile Delta. Most of the products will be traded in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Roman senate didn't want too much Chinese, Indian or Parthian vessels in the Mediterranean. Egypt became the province where all foreign commerce by sea, from the Indian, Chinese and Austronesian oceans, had to be contained until decided otherwise by the senate. Furthermore, the population in the West of the Empire was quite impoverished in comparison with the people living in the East. Permitting free access to the Western Mediterranean for vessels from the far East might, that's how the senators reasoned, foster piracy and extend the black market. The senate also wanted to protect the olive oil production of Spain which was one of the main sources of income for the state. Also, the senate wanted to compensate the economy for the damage the Jewish revolts caused to the Empire. Furthermore, almost two million Judeans left Judea. The mass depopulation of the region made the province a hiding place for many criminals and radical rebels. 

The Roman envoy offered the same treaties to the Scandinavian leaders. Some became reluctant with continuing the bilateral agreement. The leaders complained to Arvid that Rome would only continue their exploitation of their natural resources. Many of the Norwegian towns were vexed with the mass exportation of steel towards Gaul. They claimed that the Scandinavian leaders were permitting the Romans to import their goods for cheap prices - causing impoverishment in Norway. The Scandians were still upset that there were continual raids by Baltic pirates on their shores. There were even conspiracy theories among the Scandians that their government was behind all those raids. Arvid understood that none of these complains had anything to do with the bilateral relations with Rome. Every nation or country that gets into an agreement with Rome knows very well that Rome is the superior party in the agreement. No equality was ever promised! Arvid understood that the leaders, and to some extend the people, were afraid of Agricola's aggression in Britain. He knew very well that once Caledonia fell to Rome, soon the possibility of actual annexation of Scandinavia would increase. Arvid's prime minister suggested to amend the treaties before agreeing with them. Arvid, however, didn't want to voyage to Rome another time. The last time, around six years ago, it led to much trouble in the country. Nevertheless, he understood that action was required. Arvid decided to travel to Rome without notifying the leaders, except the prime minister and the required diplomats. He, his wives, his children, 50 servants, 20 politicians, accompanied by 300 troops, sailed towards Gaul. 

Within 17 days they arrived in the Italian sea port Ravenna, which was located on the shores of the district Gallia Cisalpina. Ravenna was also the town where one of the naval fleets of Rome were located.Two politicians were send ahead to inform the Roman senate of their presence in Ravenna. Arvid remembered that it was almost 20 years ago that he bought his ship in Ravenna. It was there that his adventurous life began. He never imagined that he would end up as a head of state of a newly formed confederate kingdom in northern Europe, becoming an ally of the Roman senate. Nevertheless, there are many times he wished he could go back to sailing the seas and crossing forests. He is fed up with politics. He is tired of all the drama and all the violence. He has realised after being on the throne for almost 11 years that most people don't want any solutions - they just want periodic relief from whatever bondage they are holding unto. He, nevertheless, uses his position and riches, to restrain criminals from forming cartels. At this time there were several earthquakes in Italy. They were not strong enough to cause damage to buildings, but it did freak people out. Josephine send letters to the Chinese ambassador for permission to attend the embassy. Dagmar desired to sail to Greece and attend theaters over there. Arvid wanted them to wait until the controversy surrounding the treaties were dealt with. After four days the Norwegian politicians returned with good news: the Senate and the consuls wanted to meet Arvid and discuss the future of the Roman-Scandinavian relations. They, however, wanted him to wait one month. The senators were occupied with troubles in Nice. Meanwhile, the envoy would be provided free housing in an abandoned palace build by a deceived veteran. The same day, the envoy began their five day journey to Rome. They were redirected to a small town outside the capital, where they were expected. 

Dagmar indulged herself in the delicate fruits and wine once arrived. Josephine received her permit to visit the Chinese ambassador. Arvid sensed that something wasn't right. He couldn't explain why he didn't feel at ease. He would soon find out why...

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