Meet the Gamemakers

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Gamemaker #1 (Willow):

Name: Icicia Pyrite

Age: 24

Appearance: Icicia was named for her wintery apperance. Long, luscious, platinum blonde hair, which reaches her waist, frames a small, heart shaped porcelain-like face. She has a petite, straight nose, full, pale pink lips and beautiful, icy blue-grey eyes.

Personality: She is very sarcastic and cruel. She is known throughout the Himalayans as "Icicia the Sadistic". She has no problem, in fact she loves it, with tossing kids into an arena and having them fight to the death.

History: Most of you may be wondering what is the cause of Icicia's cruelty. And no one, even Icicia herself, can explain. She was born in Sweden, which answers the question of why she has light hair and pale skin, when she lives in the Himalayans. She was recruited by the Himalayan government when their best Gamemaker died 6 years before. Icicia was a mere 18 years old, but menacing, and sadistic enough to accept the job.

What she looks for in a tribute: Icicia is ambitious. From the moment she crawled out of the womb, she has been. And Icicia likes to see a little bit of herself in the tributes. Ambitious, brave, and a touch of sarcasm.


Gamemaker #2 (R)

Name: Ithaca Chez

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Appearance: Jet black waves that fall to her waist, the ends dyed a rich violet tone. The side of her face is covered with black Henna Designs and it begins at the edge of her left eye and spreads out to her chin and top of her head. Her dark chocolate eyes sometimes have tints of various colors in them, artificial of course. For this years Hunger Games they have violet flecks to match her hair. Her skins is a tan color and she's fairly tall at 5'11. Because of her frequent flights from Panem to the Himalayas, she has had a lack of sleep and lately dark circles line her lower lids.

Personality: Ithaca is headstrong and determined. If she believes in something she refuses to back down until her point is across. Ithaca is very sarcastic and despises being told to do something; in her eyes, Ithaca's boss is Ithaca. She can be very demanding at times and she can be extremely rude and sarcastic.

History: Her father was a beloved Gamemaker in Panem, but when he abruptly passed away from a stroke, Ithaca took his place. Whenever she creates a battlefield, it's always designed to test the tributes and to see how far they can go without breaking. Because her games have been such a success, this caught the eye of the Himalayan government who have had their own rebellion and are hosting their own Hunger Games. In hopes of creating a good show, the Himalayan government called Ithaca and asked for her to assist in their games. Although she plays a huge role in Panem's latest games based on Alcatraz, she jumps between countries, helping both in creating a good show.

What she looks for in a tribute: Someone strong and determined, yet has some type of back story that touches the hearts of the viewers. While she would prefer a fierce brute, any tribute with a large amount of personality she will defend.


Gamemaker #3 (Tabby)

Name: Nirvana Roxen

Age: 23

Gender: Female

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